Advent of Code 2018 Day 4 - Pythonic Sleepy Guards



I'm using Advent of Code 2018 to learn Python better, interested in the new type support for Python 3.7, I decided to go with that.

Here is my solution to Advent of Code Day 4, both part 1 and 2. I'm returning the answers for both part 1 and 2 as a tuple.

Problem Description

The problem essentially boils down to: Given a timestamped unsorted list of events of guards beginning their shift, waking up and falling asleep, determine the following:

Part 1: Which guard is asleep the most and on which minute is that guard mostly asleep? Return guard id multiplied by the minute number.

Part 2: Which guard is most frequently asleep on the same minute? Again, return guard id multiplied by the minute number.

For full problem description, please see Advent of Code Day 4


I'm a big fan of Java 8 Stream API and C# Linq, I kind of expected Python to be more like that. I'm not sure if the nested function calls like sorted(list(...)) or len(list(...)) are "Pythonic". Likewise, it feels like I should be able to use some reducer-like function calls instead of imperatively looping through stuff to find the most common sleeper of some kind. Or is the way I have written this code the Python way to do it?


from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from days import read_file
from enum import Enum
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from statistics import mode
import statistics
import operator
import re

class EventType(Enum):

class Event:
time: datetime
guard: int
event: EventType

class GuardSleep:
sleep_total: int
last_sleep: int
sleeps: list

def add_sleeps(self, minute):
for i in range(self.last_sleep, minute):

def get_guard(line: str):
if "Guard" in line:
guard_id ="Guard #(\d+)", line)
return int(
return -1

def event_type(line):
if "begins shift" in line:
return EventType.STARTS_SHIFT
if "falls asleep" in line:
return EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP
if "wakes up" in line:
return EventType.WAKES_UP
raise Exception("Unknown line: " + line)

def day4() -> (int, int):
events = sorted(list(Event(datetime.strptime(line[1:17], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), get_guard(line), event_type(line)) for line in read_file(4)), key=operator.attrgetter("time"))

guard = -1
guardsleep = defaultdict(lambda: GuardSleep(0, 0, ))
for event in events:
if event.guard >= 0:
guard = event.guard

if event.event == EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP:
guardsleep[guard].last_sleep = event.time.minute

if event.event == EventType.WAKES_UP:
guardsleep[guard].sleep_total += event.time.minute - guardsleep[guard].last_sleep

most_sleepy_guard_number = max(guardsleep, key=(lambda key: guardsleep[key].sleep_total))

most_sleepy_guard = guardsleep[most_sleepy_guard_number]
part1_result = most_sleepy_guard_number * mode(sorted(most_sleepy_guard.sleeps))

# Part 2
MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ['id', 'minute', 'amount'])
most_sleepy = MostSleepy(0, 0, 0)
for k in guardsleep:
current_guard = guardsleep[k]
most_common_minute = mode(sorted(current_guard.sleeps))
amount = len(list((m for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)))
if amount > most_sleepy.amount:
most_sleepy = MostSleepy(k, most_common_minute, amount)
except statistics.StatisticsError:
print("No unique most common minute for " + str(k))

return part1_result, * most_sleepy.minute

if __name__ == '__main__':

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    I'm using Advent of Code 2018 to learn Python better, interested in the new type support for Python 3.7, I decided to go with that.

    Here is my solution to Advent of Code Day 4, both part 1 and 2. I'm returning the answers for both part 1 and 2 as a tuple.

    Problem Description

    The problem essentially boils down to: Given a timestamped unsorted list of events of guards beginning their shift, waking up and falling asleep, determine the following:

    Part 1: Which guard is asleep the most and on which minute is that guard mostly asleep? Return guard id multiplied by the minute number.

    Part 2: Which guard is most frequently asleep on the same minute? Again, return guard id multiplied by the minute number.

    For full problem description, please see Advent of Code Day 4


    I'm a big fan of Java 8 Stream API and C# Linq, I kind of expected Python to be more like that. I'm not sure if the nested function calls like sorted(list(...)) or len(list(...)) are "Pythonic". Likewise, it feels like I should be able to use some reducer-like function calls instead of imperatively looping through stuff to find the most common sleeper of some kind. Or is the way I have written this code the Python way to do it?


    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from datetime import datetime
    from days import read_file
    from enum import Enum
    from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
    from statistics import mode
    import statistics
    import operator
    import re

    class EventType(Enum):
    WAKES_UP = 3

    class Event:
    time: datetime
    guard: int
    event: EventType

    class GuardSleep:
    sleep_total: int
    last_sleep: int
    sleeps: list

    def add_sleeps(self, minute):
    for i in range(self.last_sleep, minute):

    def get_guard(line: str):
    if "Guard" in line:
    guard_id ="Guard #(\d+)", line)
    return int(
    return -1

    def event_type(line):
    if "begins shift" in line:
    return EventType.STARTS_SHIFT
    if "falls asleep" in line:
    return EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP
    if "wakes up" in line:
    return EventType.WAKES_UP
    raise Exception("Unknown line: " + line)

    def day4() -> (int, int):
    events = sorted(list(Event(datetime.strptime(line[1:17], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), get_guard(line), event_type(line)) for line in read_file(4)), key=operator.attrgetter("time"))

    guard = -1
    guardsleep = defaultdict(lambda: GuardSleep(0, 0, ))
    for event in events:
    if event.guard >= 0:
    guard = event.guard

    if event.event == EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP:
    guardsleep[guard].last_sleep = event.time.minute

    if event.event == EventType.WAKES_UP:
    guardsleep[guard].sleep_total += event.time.minute - guardsleep[guard].last_sleep

    most_sleepy_guard_number = max(guardsleep, key=(lambda key: guardsleep[key].sleep_total))

    most_sleepy_guard = guardsleep[most_sleepy_guard_number]
    part1_result = most_sleepy_guard_number * mode(sorted(most_sleepy_guard.sleeps))

    # Part 2
    MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ['id', 'minute', 'amount'])
    most_sleepy = MostSleepy(0, 0, 0)
    for k in guardsleep:
    current_guard = guardsleep[k]
    most_common_minute = mode(sorted(current_guard.sleeps))
    amount = len(list((m for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)))
    if amount > most_sleepy.amount:
    most_sleepy = MostSleepy(k, most_common_minute, amount)
    except statistics.StatisticsError:
    print("No unique most common minute for " + str(k))

    return part1_result, * most_sleepy.minute

    if __name__ == '__main__':

    share|improve this question





      I'm using Advent of Code 2018 to learn Python better, interested in the new type support for Python 3.7, I decided to go with that.

      Here is my solution to Advent of Code Day 4, both part 1 and 2. I'm returning the answers for both part 1 and 2 as a tuple.

      Problem Description

      The problem essentially boils down to: Given a timestamped unsorted list of events of guards beginning their shift, waking up and falling asleep, determine the following:

      Part 1: Which guard is asleep the most and on which minute is that guard mostly asleep? Return guard id multiplied by the minute number.

      Part 2: Which guard is most frequently asleep on the same minute? Again, return guard id multiplied by the minute number.

      For full problem description, please see Advent of Code Day 4


      I'm a big fan of Java 8 Stream API and C# Linq, I kind of expected Python to be more like that. I'm not sure if the nested function calls like sorted(list(...)) or len(list(...)) are "Pythonic". Likewise, it feels like I should be able to use some reducer-like function calls instead of imperatively looping through stuff to find the most common sleeper of some kind. Or is the way I have written this code the Python way to do it?


      from dataclasses import dataclass
      from datetime import datetime
      from days import read_file
      from enum import Enum
      from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
      from statistics import mode
      import statistics
      import operator
      import re

      class EventType(Enum):
      STARTS_SHIFT = 1
      FALLS_ASLEEP = 2
      WAKES_UP = 3

      class Event:
      time: datetime
      guard: int
      event: EventType

      class GuardSleep:
      sleep_total: int
      last_sleep: int
      sleeps: list

      def add_sleeps(self, minute):
      for i in range(self.last_sleep, minute):

      def get_guard(line: str):
      if "Guard" in line:
      guard_id ="Guard #(\d+)", line)
      return int(
      return -1

      def event_type(line):
      if "begins shift" in line:
      return EventType.STARTS_SHIFT
      if "falls asleep" in line:
      return EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP
      if "wakes up" in line:
      return EventType.WAKES_UP
      raise Exception("Unknown line: " + line)

      def day4() -> (int, int):
      events = sorted(list(Event(datetime.strptime(line[1:17], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), get_guard(line), event_type(line)) for line in read_file(4)), key=operator.attrgetter("time"))

      guard = -1
      guardsleep = defaultdict(lambda: GuardSleep(0, 0, ))
      for event in events:
      if event.guard >= 0:
      guard = event.guard

      if event.event == EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP:
      guardsleep[guard].last_sleep = event.time.minute

      if event.event == EventType.WAKES_UP:
      guardsleep[guard].sleep_total += event.time.minute - guardsleep[guard].last_sleep

      most_sleepy_guard_number = max(guardsleep, key=(lambda key: guardsleep[key].sleep_total))

      most_sleepy_guard = guardsleep[most_sleepy_guard_number]
      part1_result = most_sleepy_guard_number * mode(sorted(most_sleepy_guard.sleeps))

      # Part 2
      MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ['id', 'minute', 'amount'])
      most_sleepy = MostSleepy(0, 0, 0)
      for k in guardsleep:
      current_guard = guardsleep[k]
      most_common_minute = mode(sorted(current_guard.sleeps))
      amount = len(list((m for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)))
      if amount > most_sleepy.amount:
      most_sleepy = MostSleepy(k, most_common_minute, amount)
      except statistics.StatisticsError:
      print("No unique most common minute for " + str(k))

      return part1_result, * most_sleepy.minute

      if __name__ == '__main__':

      share|improve this question


      I'm using Advent of Code 2018 to learn Python better, interested in the new type support for Python 3.7, I decided to go with that.

      Here is my solution to Advent of Code Day 4, both part 1 and 2. I'm returning the answers for both part 1 and 2 as a tuple.

      Problem Description

      The problem essentially boils down to: Given a timestamped unsorted list of events of guards beginning their shift, waking up and falling asleep, determine the following:

      Part 1: Which guard is asleep the most and on which minute is that guard mostly asleep? Return guard id multiplied by the minute number.

      Part 2: Which guard is most frequently asleep on the same minute? Again, return guard id multiplied by the minute number.

      For full problem description, please see Advent of Code Day 4


      I'm a big fan of Java 8 Stream API and C# Linq, I kind of expected Python to be more like that. I'm not sure if the nested function calls like sorted(list(...)) or len(list(...)) are "Pythonic". Likewise, it feels like I should be able to use some reducer-like function calls instead of imperatively looping through stuff to find the most common sleeper of some kind. Or is the way I have written this code the Python way to do it?


      from dataclasses import dataclass
      from datetime import datetime
      from days import read_file
      from enum import Enum
      from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
      from statistics import mode
      import statistics
      import operator
      import re

      class EventType(Enum):
      STARTS_SHIFT = 1
      FALLS_ASLEEP = 2
      WAKES_UP = 3

      class Event:
      time: datetime
      guard: int
      event: EventType

      class GuardSleep:
      sleep_total: int
      last_sleep: int
      sleeps: list

      def add_sleeps(self, minute):
      for i in range(self.last_sleep, minute):

      def get_guard(line: str):
      if "Guard" in line:
      guard_id ="Guard #(\d+)", line)
      return int(
      return -1

      def event_type(line):
      if "begins shift" in line:
      return EventType.STARTS_SHIFT
      if "falls asleep" in line:
      return EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP
      if "wakes up" in line:
      return EventType.WAKES_UP
      raise Exception("Unknown line: " + line)

      def day4() -> (int, int):
      events = sorted(list(Event(datetime.strptime(line[1:17], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), get_guard(line), event_type(line)) for line in read_file(4)), key=operator.attrgetter("time"))

      guard = -1
      guardsleep = defaultdict(lambda: GuardSleep(0, 0, ))
      for event in events:
      if event.guard >= 0:
      guard = event.guard

      if event.event == EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP:
      guardsleep[guard].last_sleep = event.time.minute

      if event.event == EventType.WAKES_UP:
      guardsleep[guard].sleep_total += event.time.minute - guardsleep[guard].last_sleep

      most_sleepy_guard_number = max(guardsleep, key=(lambda key: guardsleep[key].sleep_total))

      most_sleepy_guard = guardsleep[most_sleepy_guard_number]
      part1_result = most_sleepy_guard_number * mode(sorted(most_sleepy_guard.sleeps))

      # Part 2
      MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ['id', 'minute', 'amount'])
      most_sleepy = MostSleepy(0, 0, 0)
      for k in guardsleep:
      current_guard = guardsleep[k]
      most_common_minute = mode(sorted(current_guard.sleeps))
      amount = len(list((m for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)))
      if amount > most_sleepy.amount:
      most_sleepy = MostSleepy(k, most_common_minute, amount)
      except statistics.StatisticsError:
      print("No unique most common minute for " + str(k))

      return part1_result, * most_sleepy.minute

      if __name__ == '__main__':

      python python-3.x programming-challenge

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      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked yesterday

      Simon Forsberg



          1 Answer





          Replacing chained if with dictionary lookup

          This function:

          def event_type(line):
          if "begins shift" in line:
          return EventType.STARTS_SHIFT
          if "falls asleep" in line:
          return EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP
          if "wakes up" in line:
          return EventType.WAKES_UP
          raise Exception("Unknown line: " + line)

          isn't bad, but chained if like this smell. It may be better represented as a dictionary, where the key is the string above, the value is the enum value, and you do a simple key lookup based on the last two words of every line. Whereas chained if is worst-case O(n), dictionary lookup is O(1). Then - no ifs needed, and you get the exception for free if key lookup fails.

          Use raw strings

"Guard #(\d+)", line)

          should be

"Guard #(d+)", line)

          Settle down with the one-liners


          events = sorted(list(Event(datetime.strptime(line[1:17], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), get_guard(line), event_type(line)) for line in read_file(4)), key=operator.attrgetter("time"))

          is effectively illegible. Break this up into multiple lines - including a temporary variable for the strptime, as well as linebreaks in the list comprehension itself.

          Don't use lists if you can use tuples


          MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ['id', 'minute', 'amount'])

          should be

          MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ('id', 'minute', 'amount'))

          for various reasons - tuples are immutable, so use them for immutable data; and under certain narrow contexts (certainly not this one) they're faster.

          Use a sum instead of a list constructor


          amount = len(list((m for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)))

          should be

          amount = sum(1 for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)

          (Also, even if you kept using len, you should use a tuple constructor instead of a list constructor.)

          Another footnote - don't put inner parens in expressions like list((...generator...)). Constructors can accept generator expressions directly.

          share|improve this answer

            Your Answer

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            1 Answer




            1 Answer











            Replacing chained if with dictionary lookup

            This function:

            def event_type(line):
            if "begins shift" in line:
            return EventType.STARTS_SHIFT
            if "falls asleep" in line:
            return EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP
            if "wakes up" in line:
            return EventType.WAKES_UP
            raise Exception("Unknown line: " + line)

            isn't bad, but chained if like this smell. It may be better represented as a dictionary, where the key is the string above, the value is the enum value, and you do a simple key lookup based on the last two words of every line. Whereas chained if is worst-case O(n), dictionary lookup is O(1). Then - no ifs needed, and you get the exception for free if key lookup fails.

            Use raw strings

  "Guard #(\d+)", line)

            should be

  "Guard #(d+)", line)

            Settle down with the one-liners


            events = sorted(list(Event(datetime.strptime(line[1:17], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), get_guard(line), event_type(line)) for line in read_file(4)), key=operator.attrgetter("time"))

            is effectively illegible. Break this up into multiple lines - including a temporary variable for the strptime, as well as linebreaks in the list comprehension itself.

            Don't use lists if you can use tuples


            MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ['id', 'minute', 'amount'])

            should be

            MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ('id', 'minute', 'amount'))

            for various reasons - tuples are immutable, so use them for immutable data; and under certain narrow contexts (certainly not this one) they're faster.

            Use a sum instead of a list constructor


            amount = len(list((m for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)))

            should be

            amount = sum(1 for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)

            (Also, even if you kept using len, you should use a tuple constructor instead of a list constructor.)

            Another footnote - don't put inner parens in expressions like list((...generator...)). Constructors can accept generator expressions directly.

            share|improve this answer


              Replacing chained if with dictionary lookup

              This function:

              def event_type(line):
              if "begins shift" in line:
              return EventType.STARTS_SHIFT
              if "falls asleep" in line:
              return EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP
              if "wakes up" in line:
              return EventType.WAKES_UP
              raise Exception("Unknown line: " + line)

              isn't bad, but chained if like this smell. It may be better represented as a dictionary, where the key is the string above, the value is the enum value, and you do a simple key lookup based on the last two words of every line. Whereas chained if is worst-case O(n), dictionary lookup is O(1). Then - no ifs needed, and you get the exception for free if key lookup fails.

              Use raw strings

    "Guard #(\d+)", line)

              should be

    "Guard #(d+)", line)

              Settle down with the one-liners


              events = sorted(list(Event(datetime.strptime(line[1:17], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), get_guard(line), event_type(line)) for line in read_file(4)), key=operator.attrgetter("time"))

              is effectively illegible. Break this up into multiple lines - including a temporary variable for the strptime, as well as linebreaks in the list comprehension itself.

              Don't use lists if you can use tuples


              MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ['id', 'minute', 'amount'])

              should be

              MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ('id', 'minute', 'amount'))

              for various reasons - tuples are immutable, so use them for immutable data; and under certain narrow contexts (certainly not this one) they're faster.

              Use a sum instead of a list constructor


              amount = len(list((m for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)))

              should be

              amount = sum(1 for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)

              (Also, even if you kept using len, you should use a tuple constructor instead of a list constructor.)

              Another footnote - don't put inner parens in expressions like list((...generator...)). Constructors can accept generator expressions directly.

              share|improve this answer




                Replacing chained if with dictionary lookup

                This function:

                def event_type(line):
                if "begins shift" in line:
                return EventType.STARTS_SHIFT
                if "falls asleep" in line:
                return EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP
                if "wakes up" in line:
                return EventType.WAKES_UP
                raise Exception("Unknown line: " + line)

                isn't bad, but chained if like this smell. It may be better represented as a dictionary, where the key is the string above, the value is the enum value, and you do a simple key lookup based on the last two words of every line. Whereas chained if is worst-case O(n), dictionary lookup is O(1). Then - no ifs needed, and you get the exception for free if key lookup fails.

                Use raw strings

      "Guard #(\d+)", line)

                should be

      "Guard #(d+)", line)

                Settle down with the one-liners


                events = sorted(list(Event(datetime.strptime(line[1:17], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), get_guard(line), event_type(line)) for line in read_file(4)), key=operator.attrgetter("time"))

                is effectively illegible. Break this up into multiple lines - including a temporary variable for the strptime, as well as linebreaks in the list comprehension itself.

                Don't use lists if you can use tuples


                MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ['id', 'minute', 'amount'])

                should be

                MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ('id', 'minute', 'amount'))

                for various reasons - tuples are immutable, so use them for immutable data; and under certain narrow contexts (certainly not this one) they're faster.

                Use a sum instead of a list constructor


                amount = len(list((m for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)))

                should be

                amount = sum(1 for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)

                (Also, even if you kept using len, you should use a tuple constructor instead of a list constructor.)

                Another footnote - don't put inner parens in expressions like list((...generator...)). Constructors can accept generator expressions directly.

                share|improve this answer

                Replacing chained if with dictionary lookup

                This function:

                def event_type(line):
                if "begins shift" in line:
                return EventType.STARTS_SHIFT
                if "falls asleep" in line:
                return EventType.FALLS_ASLEEP
                if "wakes up" in line:
                return EventType.WAKES_UP
                raise Exception("Unknown line: " + line)

                isn't bad, but chained if like this smell. It may be better represented as a dictionary, where the key is the string above, the value is the enum value, and you do a simple key lookup based on the last two words of every line. Whereas chained if is worst-case O(n), dictionary lookup is O(1). Then - no ifs needed, and you get the exception for free if key lookup fails.

                Use raw strings

      "Guard #(\d+)", line)

                should be

      "Guard #(d+)", line)

                Settle down with the one-liners


                events = sorted(list(Event(datetime.strptime(line[1:17], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), get_guard(line), event_type(line)) for line in read_file(4)), key=operator.attrgetter("time"))

                is effectively illegible. Break this up into multiple lines - including a temporary variable for the strptime, as well as linebreaks in the list comprehension itself.

                Don't use lists if you can use tuples


                MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ['id', 'minute', 'amount'])

                should be

                MostSleepy = namedtuple('MostCommon', ('id', 'minute', 'amount'))

                for various reasons - tuples are immutable, so use them for immutable data; and under certain narrow contexts (certainly not this one) they're faster.

                Use a sum instead of a list constructor


                amount = len(list((m for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)))

                should be

                amount = sum(1 for m in current_guard.sleeps if m == most_common_minute)

                (Also, even if you kept using len, you should use a tuple constructor instead of a list constructor.)

                Another footnote - don't put inner parens in expressions like list((...generator...)). Constructors can accept generator expressions directly.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited yesterday

                answered yesterday




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