
Showing posts from January 26, 2019

Batch file to rename folders goto command loop the rest of the code

0 I use a batch file to rename all folders with progressive numbers. This code renames the folders well using loop function, but it loops the rest of the code that contains echo and other commands. The code to rename must finish until :stop and the batch file continue the execution without looping the rest of the code with other commands. :: Rename Folders Code @Echo off Pushd "D:Programmi Installati" || (Echo couldn't change dir&pause&goto :stop) set Cnt=0 for /f "delims=" %%A in ( 'dir /B /AD log* ^| findstr /iV "^log_[0-9][0-9]*$" ' ) Do Call :RenInc "%%A" PopD Goto :stop :RenInc Set /A Cnt+=1 if Exist "log_%Cnt%" goto :RenInc Ren "%~1" "log_%Cnt%" ) :stop :: Other Part Of Code, This Part Of

My computer is not booting, only black screen and cooling fan on full power, can't access anything

0 I have problem with my computer running on Ubuntu 18.04. I installed recent updates and after I started the computer again later, the screen stays black (no sign of life at all, there's nothing on the screen at any point) and the cooling fan goes on at full power. I have the installation USB, but I have no way of accessing it. Even when it's inserted, the same thing happens, when I try to start the computer. I tried to hold the right shift while powering up, but same thing. Any ideas what I can do? Thanks. boot share | improve this question asked Jan 15 at 11:48 Osma Osma 1 1