
Showing posts from March 23, 2019

How to make an outgtoing TCP connection through specified netwrok interface?

0 1 Is there a way to implement in C program a next feature: it's need to making outgoing TCP connections through specified network interface? as example: eth0 - eth1 - In some case I'm need to make outgoing connections from source address, and under some other circumstances from Is this possible ? Is this can be achieved with bind() routine? TIA. networking sockets tcp-ip share | improve this question asked Feb 17 at 9:34 Ruslan R. Laishev Ruslan R. Laishev 1 3


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Note-drawing program

4 $begingroup$ This program draws a random music note on a staff, refreshing the note every second. It compiles with g++ and also emscripten, so it is runnable in both the browser and on desktop. This is my first attempt at graphics programming, so I'm not interested in feedback on how I'm using OpenGL. In particular, I'm vaguely considered that I'm using shaders poorly. Do I really write a new shader program for each sort of thing I have to draw? This code uses Bitmap.h, Bitmap.cpp, platform.hpp, and platform_linux.cpp by Thomas Dalling. These files assume that stb_image.h is located on the system include path. shader.cpp is modified from the shader code in this tutorial, but it's just standard shader-loading code. This project uses a unity build. Makefile all: a.out index.html EMS_O