
Showing posts from March 30, 2019

How to set up a Wifi Hotspot on ubuntu14.04 and set as wlan0 address?

0 I have tried to set up a hotspot on ubuntu14.04. My /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections file is shown below. [connection] id=hotspott uuid=03eb0f63-e766-41df-bc04-0f30740f6841 type=802-11-wireless [802-11-wireless] ssid=machCochin mode=ap mac-address=B0:C0:90:68:EE:73 [ipv6] method=auto [ipv4] method=manual address1=, This creates the hotspot but I can't connect to the network. I have tried by replacing ipv4 section to method=shared and at that time I can join to the network from my phone but it assigned with a dynamic address. How to create static IP for wlan0 when working as hotspot? 14.04 networking wireless network-manager share | improve this qu

Defamation due to breach of confidentiality

1 Hypothetical: I say negative stuff about John Doe to my psychologist, stuff which isn't defamation per se . My psychologist doesn't directly act on my statements, but does share my statements with third parties. Due to those statements those third parties cancel contracts with John Doe, stop buying products from John Doe, etc. Could I use as a defense against defamation the fact that I thought my statements to John Doe wouldn't be shared with anyone? united-states defamation confidentiality share | improve this question edited 3 hours ago Nij 2,100 3 12 26