Multiple sequence alignment in Java


(The entire project lives here.)

Problem definition

Suppose we are given three genomic strings drawn from the alphabet of 20 amino acids:


In multiple sequence alignment problem we want to align them optimally in order to access their evolutionary similarity. Such an alignment may look like the following:



Often, the problem is cast as a pathfinding problem in $k$-dimensional lattice, where $k$ is the number of strings. Here is my program, it compares A* with Dijkstra's algorithms:


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

public final class MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance {

* The penalty for pairs in which there is one valid character and one gap.
private final int gapPenalty;

* The character pairs cost matrix.
private final CostMatrix<Integer> costMatrix;

* The array of sequences to be aligned.
private final String sequenceArray;

// A small speed optimization:
private final char column;

public MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance(CostMatrix<Integer> costMatrix,
int gapPenalty,
String... sequenceArray) {
this.costMatrix = Objects.requireNonNull(costMatrix,
"Cost matrix is null");
this.gapPenalty = gapPenalty;
this.sequenceArray = sequenceArray.clone();
this.column = new char[sequenceArray.length];

for (int i = 0; i != sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
this.sequenceArray[i] =

public Alignment align() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
HeuristicFunction hf = new HeuristicFunctionComputer()
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println("Computed heuristic function in " + (end - start) +
" milliseconds.");

Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
Map<LatticeNode, Integer> distance = new HashMap<>();
Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents = new HashMap<>();

LatticeNode sourceNode = getSourceNode();
LatticeNode targetNode = getTargetNode();

open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(sourceNode, 0));
distance.put(sourceNode, 0);
parents.put(sourceNode, null);

Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();

while (true) {
LatticeNode currentNode = open.remove().getNode();

if (currentNode.equals(targetNode)) {
return tracebackPath(parents, distance.get(currentNode));

if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


for (LatticeNode childNode : currentNode.getChildren()) {
if (closed.contains(childNode)) {

int tentativeCost = distance.get(currentNode) +
getWeight(currentNode, childNode);
Integer currentCost = distance.get(childNode);

if (currentCost == null || currentCost > tentativeCost) {
open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(childNode,
tentativeCost +
distance.put(childNode, tentativeCost);
parents.put(childNode, currentNode);

public Alignment alignBrute() {
Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
Map<LatticeNode, Integer> distance = new HashMap<>();
Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents = new HashMap<>();

LatticeNode sourceNode = getSourceNode();
LatticeNode targetNode = getTargetNode();

open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(sourceNode, 0));
distance.put(sourceNode, 0);
parents.put(sourceNode, null);

Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();

while (true) {
LatticeNode currentNode = open.remove().getNode();

if (currentNode.equals(targetNode)) {
return tracebackPath(parents, distance.get(currentNode));

if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


for (LatticeNode childNode : currentNode.getChildren()) {
if (closed.contains(childNode)) {

int tentativeCost = distance.get(currentNode) +
getWeight(currentNode, childNode);
Integer currentCost = distance.get(childNode);

if (currentCost == null || currentCost > tentativeCost) {
open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(childNode, tentativeCost));
distance.put(childNode, tentativeCost);
parents.put(childNode, currentNode);

* Create the source node for the sequence alignment task, i.e., a lattice
* node with all coordinates set to zero.
* @return the source node.
LatticeNode getSourceNode() {
int sourceCoordinates = new int[sequenceArray.length];
return new LatticeNode(this, sourceCoordinates);

* Create the target node for the sequence alignment task, i.e., a lattice
* node with all coordinates set to the respective sequence lengths.
* @return the target node.
LatticeNode getTargetNode() {
int targetCoordinates = new int[sequenceArray.length];

for (int i = 0; i != sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
targetCoordinates[i] = sequenceArray[i].length();

return new LatticeNode(this, targetCoordinates);

Integer getWeight(LatticeNode tail,
LatticeNode head,
int dimension1,
int dimension2) {
int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

if (tailCoordinates[dimension1] == headCoordinates[dimension1]) {
return gapPenalty;
} else if (tailCoordinates[dimension2] == headCoordinates[dimension2]) {
return gapPenalty;
} else {
// System.out.println("3");
char character1 = sequenceArray[dimension1]

char character2 = sequenceArray[dimension2]
return costMatrix.getCost(character1, character2);

Integer getWeight(LatticeNode tail, LatticeNode head) {
// Extract the column represented by taking a single hop from 'tail' to
// 'head':
int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
if (tailCoordinates[i] + 1 == headCoordinates[i]) {
column[i] = sequenceArray[i].charAt(tailCoordinates[i]);
} else {
column[i] = AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER;

// Compute the hop cost as the sum of pairwise hops in any plane:
int cost = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < column.length; ++i) {
char character1 = column[i];

for (int j = i + 1; j < column.length; ++j) {
char character2 = column[j];

if (character1 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
if (character2 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
cost += costMatrix.getCost(character1, character2);
} else {
cost += gapPenalty;
} else {
// character1 IS the gap character:
if (character2 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
cost += gapPenalty;
} else {
// Do nothing since we have a pair (gap, gap).

return cost;

String getSequenceArray() {
return sequenceArray;

private Alignment tracebackPath(Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents,
Integer cost) {
List<LatticeNode> path = new ArrayList<>();
LatticeNode node = getTargetNode();

while (node != null) {
node = parents.get(node);


String strings = new String[getSequenceArray().length];
StringBuilder stringBuilders = new StringBuilder[strings.length];

for (int i = 0; i < stringBuilders.length; ++i) {
stringBuilders[i] = new StringBuilder();

for (int i = 1; i < path.size(); ++i) {
LatticeNode tail = path.get(i - 1);
LatticeNode head = path.get(i);

int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

for (int j = 0; j < tailCoordinates.length; ++j) {
if (tailCoordinates[j] != headCoordinates[j]) {
} else {

for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
strings[i] = stringBuilders[i].toString();

return new Alignment(strings, cost);

private String checkIsValidGenomicSequence(String string) {
Set<Character> characterSet =

for (char c : string.toCharArray()) {
if (!characterSet.contains(c)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown amino acid: " + c);

return string;

private static final class LatticeNodeHolder
implements Comparable<LatticeNodeHolder> {

private final Integer fScore;
private final LatticeNode node;

LatticeNodeHolder(LatticeNode node, Integer fScore) {
this.fScore = fScore;
this.node = node;

LatticeNode getNode() {
return node;

public int compareTo(LatticeNodeHolder o) {
return, o.fScore);


import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

final class HeuristicFunctionComputer {

HeuristicFunction computeHeuristicFunction(
MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
HeuristicFunction heuristicFunction = new HeuristicFunction(instance);

for (int dimension1 = 0;
dimension1 < sequenceArray.length;
dimension1++) {
for (int dimension2 = dimension1 + 1;
dimension2 < sequenceArray.length;
dimension2++) {

return heuristicFunction;

// Basically, this method runs Dijkstra backwards from the target node until
// the entire 2D-grid is explored.
private void loadPartialHeuristicFunction(
HeuristicFunction heuristicFunction,
int dimension1,
int dimension2,
MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
LatticeNode target = instance.getTargetNode();
Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();
open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(target, 0));
Point point = new Point();

while (!open.isEmpty()) {
LatticeNodeHolder currentNodeHolder = open.remove();
LatticeNode currentNode = currentNodeHolder.getLatticeNode();

if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


Integer currentNodeCost = currentNodeHolder.getCost();
extractPoint(point, currentNode, dimension1, dimension2);
new Point(point),

for (LatticeNode parent : currentNode.getParents()) {
if (closed.contains(parent)) {

int tentativeCost =
currentNodeCost + instance.getWeight(parent,
extractPoint(point, parent, dimension1, dimension2);

if (!heuristicFunction.containsPartial(dimension1,
|| heuristicFunction.getPartial(dimension1,
> tentativeCost) {
open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(parent, tentativeCost));

private static void extractPoint(Point point,
LatticeNode latticeNode,
int i,
int j) {
int coordinates = latticeNode.getCoordinates();
point.x = coordinates[i];
point.y = coordinates[j];

private static final class LatticeNodeHolder
implements Comparable<LatticeNodeHolder> {

private final LatticeNode node;
private final Integer cost;

LatticeNodeHolder(LatticeNode node, Integer cost) {
this.node = node;
this.cost = cost;

LatticeNode getLatticeNode() {
return node;

Integer getCost() {
return cost;

public int compareTo(LatticeNodeHolder o) {
return, o.cost);


import java.util.Arrays;

final class LatticeNode {

* The problem instance this lattice node contributes to.
private final MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance;

* The coordinates of this node in the entire lattice.
private final int coordinates;

LatticeNode(MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance, int coordinates) {
this.instance = instance;
this.coordinates = coordinates;

public boolean equals(Object o) {
return Arrays.equals(coordinates, ((LatticeNode) o).coordinates);

// Generated by NetBeans 8.1:
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 41 * hash + Arrays.hashCode(this.coordinates);
return hash;

public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
String separator = "";

for (int coordinate : coordinates) {
separator = ", ";

return sb.append("]").toString();

LatticeNode getChildren() {
// Find out in how many dimension we can move forward:
int dimensionsNotReached = 0;
String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
boolean inclusionMap = new boolean[coordinates.length];

for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
if (coordinates[i] < sequenceArray[i].length()) {
// We can make a step forward in the direction of ith dimension:
inclusionMap[i] = true;

// Create the array of children:
int numberOfChildren = pow2(dimensionsNotReached) - 1;
LatticeNode children = new LatticeNode[numberOfChildren];
loadChildren(children, inclusionMap);

// Convert offsets to actual child coordinates:
for (LatticeNode child : children) {

return children;

LatticeNode getParents() {
// Find out in how many dimensions we can move BACKward:
int dimensionsNotReached = 0;
String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
boolean inclusionMap = new boolean[coordinates.length];

for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
if (coordinates[i] > 0) {
// We can make a step backwards in the direction of ith
// dimension:
inclusionMap[i] = true;

// Create the array of parents:
int numberOfParents = pow2(dimensionsNotReached) - 1;
LatticeNode parents = new LatticeNode[numberOfParents];
loadParents(parents, inclusionMap);

// Convert the offsets to actual parent coordinates:
for (LatticeNode parent : parents) {

return parents;

int getCoordinates() {
return coordinates;

private void loadChildren(LatticeNode children, boolean inclusionMap) {
int coords = new int[this.coordinates.length];

for (int i = 0; i != children.length; ++i) {
increment(coords, inclusionMap);
children[i] = new LatticeNode(instance, coords.clone());

private void loadParents(LatticeNode parents, boolean inclusionMap) {
int coords = new int[this.coordinates.length];

for (int i = 0; i != parents.length; ++i) {
decrement(coords, inclusionMap);
parents[i] = new LatticeNode(instance, coords.clone());

private static void increment(int coordinates, boolean inclusionMap) {
for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
if (!inclusionMap[i]) {

if (coordinates[i] == 0) {
coordinates[i] = 1;

coordinates[i] = 0;

private static void decrement(int coordinates, boolean inclusionMap) {
for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
if (!inclusionMap[i]) {

if (coordinates[i] == 0) {
coordinates[i] = -1;

coordinates[i] = 0;

private void addOffsets(int offsets) {
for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
coordinates[i] += offsets[i];

private static int pow2(int exponent) {
int ret = 1;

for (int e = 0; e < exponent; ++e) {
ret *= 2;

return ret;


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public final class PAM250CostMatrix implements CostMatrix<Integer> {

private static PAM250CostMatrix instance;

private final Map<Character, Map<Character, Integer>> m = new HashMap<>();

public static PAM250CostMatrix getPAM250CostMatrix() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new PAM250CostMatrix();

return instance;

private PAM250CostMatrix() {
AminoAcidAlphabet alphabet = AminoAcidAlphabet.getAminoAcidAlphabet();

alphabet.getCharacterSet().stream().forEach((character) -> {
m.put(character, new HashMap<>());

m.get('A').put('A', -2);
m.get('R').put('A', 2);
m.get('A').put('R', 2);
m.get('R').put('R', -6);
m.get('N').put('A', 0);
m.get('A').put('N', 0);
m.get('N').put('R', 0);
m.get('R').put('N', 0);
m.get('N').put('N', -2);
m.get('D').put('A', 0);
m.get('A').put('D', 0);
m.get('D').put('R', 1);
m.get('R').put('D', 1);
m.get('D').put('N', -2);
m.get('N').put('D', -2);
m.get('D').put('D', -4);
m.get('C').put('A', 2);
m.get('A').put('C', 2);
m.get('C').put('R', 4);
m.get('R').put('C', 4);
m.get('C').put('N', 4);
m.get('N').put('C', 4);
m.get('C').put('D', 5);
m.get('D').put('C', 5);
m.get('C').put('C', -4);
m.get('Q').put('A', 0);
m.get('A').put('Q', 0);
m.get('Q').put('R', -1);
m.get('R').put('Q', -1);
m.get('Q').put('N', -1);
m.get('N').put('Q', -1);
m.get('Q').put('D', -2);
m.get('D').put('Q', -2);
m.get('Q').put('C', 5);
m.get('C').put('Q', 5);
m.get('Q').put('Q', -4);
m.get('E').put('A', 0);
m.get('A').put('E', 0);
m.get('E').put('R', 1);
m.get('R').put('E', 1);
m.get('E').put('N', -1);
m.get('N').put('E', -1);
m.get('E').put('D', -3);
m.get('D').put('E', -3);
m.get('E').put('C', 5);
m.get('C').put('E', 5);
m.get('E').put('Q', -2);
m.get('Q').put('E', -2);
m.get('E').put('E', -4);
m.get('G').put('A', -1);
m.get('A').put('G', -1);
m.get('G').put('R', 3);
m.get('R').put('G', 3);
m.get('G').put('N', 0);
m.get('N').put('G', 0);
m.get('G').put('D', -1);
m.get('D').put('G', -1);
m.get('G').put('C', 3);
m.get('C').put('G', 3);
m.get('G').put('Q', 1);
m.get('Q').put('G', 1);
m.get('G').put('E', 0);
m.get('E').put('G', 0);
m.get('G').put('G', -5);
m.get('H').put('A', 1);
m.get('A').put('H', 1);
m.get('H').put('R', -2);
m.get('R').put('H', -2);
m.get('H').put('N', -2);
m.get('N').put('H', -2);
m.get('H').put('D', -1);
m.get('D').put('H', -1);
m.get('H').put('C', 3);
m.get('C').put('H', 3);
m.get('H').put('Q', -3);
m.get('Q').put('H', -3);
m.get('H').put('E', -1);
m.get('E').put('H', -1);
m.get('H').put('G', 2);
m.get('G').put('H', 2);
m.get('H').put('H', -6);
m.get('I').put('A', 1);
m.get('A').put('I', 1);
m.get('I').put('R', 2);
m.get('R').put('I', 2);
m.get('I').put('N', 2);
m.get('N').put('I', 2);
m.get('I').put('D', 2);
m.get('D').put('I', 2);
m.get('I').put('C', 2);
m.get('C').put('I', 2);
m.get('I').put('Q', 2);
m.get('Q').put('I', 2);
m.get('I').put('E', 2);
m.get('E').put('I', 2);
m.get('I').put('G', 3);
m.get('G').put('I', 3);
m.get('I').put('H', 2);
m.get('H').put('I', 2);
m.get('I').put('I', -5);
m.get('L').put('A', 2);
m.get('A').put('L', 2);
m.get('L').put('R', 3);
m.get('R').put('L', 3);
m.get('L').put('N', 3);
m.get('N').put('L', 3);
m.get('L').put('D', 4);
m.get('D').put('L', 4);
m.get('L').put('C', 6);
m.get('C').put('L', 6);
m.get('L').put('Q', 2);
m.get('Q').put('L', 2);
m.get('L').put('E', 3);
m.get('E').put('L', 3);
m.get('L').put('G', 4);
m.get('G').put('L', 4);
m.get('L').put('H', 2);
m.get('H').put('L', 2);
m.get('L').put('I', -2);
m.get('I').put('L', -2);
m.get('L').put('L', -6);
m.get('K').put('A', 1);
m.get('A').put('K', 1);
m.get('K').put('R', -3);
m.get('R').put('K', -3);
m.get('K').put('N', -1);
m.get('N').put('K', -1);
m.get('K').put('D', 0);
m.get('D').put('K', 0);
m.get('K').put('C', 5);
m.get('C').put('K', 5);
m.get('K').put('Q', -1);
m.get('Q').put('K', -1);
m.get('K').put('E', 0);
m.get('E').put('K', 0);
m.get('K').put('G', 2);
m.get('G').put('K', 2);
m.get('K').put('H', 0);
m.get('H').put('K', 0);
m.get('K').put('I', 2);
m.get('I').put('K', 2);
m.get('K').put('L', 3);
m.get('L').put('K', 3);
m.get('K').put('K', -5);
m.get('M').put('A', 1);
m.get('A').put('M', 1);
m.get('M').put('R', 0);
m.get('R').put('M', 0);
m.get('M').put('N', 2);
m.get('N').put('M', 2);
m.get('M').put('D', 3);
m.get('D').put('M', 3);
m.get('M').put('C', 5);
m.get('C').put('M', 5);
m.get('M').put('Q', 1);
m.get('Q').put('M', 1);
m.get('M').put('E', 2);
m.get('E').put('M', 2);
m.get('M').put('G', 3);
m.get('G').put('M', 3);
m.get('M').put('H', 2);
m.get('H').put('M', 2);
m.get('M').put('I', -2);
m.get('I').put('M', -2);
m.get('M').put('L', -4);
m.get('L').put('M', -4);
m.get('M').put('K', 0);
m.get('K').put('M', 0);
m.get('M').put('M', -6);
m.get('F').put('A', 4);
m.get('A').put('F', 4);
m.get('F').put('R', 4);
m.get('R').put('F', 4);
m.get('F').put('N', 4);
m.get('N').put('F', 4);
m.get('F').put('D', 6);
m.get('D').put('F', 6);
m.get('F').put('C', 4);
m.get('C').put('F', 4);
m.get('F').put('Q', 5);
m.get('Q').put('F', 5);
m.get('F').put('E', 5);
m.get('E').put('F', 5);
m.get('F').put('G', 5);
m.get('G').put('F', 5);
m.get('F').put('H', 2);
m.get('H').put('F', 2);
m.get('F').put('I', -1);
m.get('I').put('F', -1);
m.get('F').put('L', -2);
m.get('L').put('F', -2);
m.get('F').put('K', 5);
m.get('K').put('F', 5);
m.get('F').put('M', 0);
m.get('M').put('F', 0);
m.get('F').put('F', -9);
m.get('P').put('A', -1);
m.get('A').put('P', -1);
m.get('P').put('R', 0);
m.get('R').put('P', 0);
m.get('P').put('N', 1);
m.get('N').put('P', 1);
m.get('P').put('D', 1);
m.get('D').put('P', 1);
m.get('P').put('C', 3);
m.get('C').put('P', 3);
m.get('P').put('Q', 0);
m.get('Q').put('P', 0);
m.get('P').put('E', 1);
m.get('E').put('P', 1);
m.get('P').put('G', 1);
m.get('G').put('P', 1);
m.get('P').put('H', 0);
m.get('H').put('P', 0);
m.get('P').put('I', 2);
m.get('I').put('P', 2);
m.get('P').put('L', 3);
m.get('L').put('P', 3);
m.get('P').put('K', 1);
m.get('K').put('P', 1);
m.get('P').put('M', 2);
m.get('M').put('P', 2);
m.get('P').put('F', 5);
m.get('F').put('P', 5);
m.get('P').put('P', -6);
m.get('S').put('A', -1);
m.get('A').put('S', -1);
m.get('S').put('R', 0);
m.get('R').put('S', 0);
m.get('S').put('N', -1);
m.get('N').put('S', -1);
m.get('S').put('D', 0);
m.get('D').put('S', 0);
m.get('S').put('C', 0);
m.get('C').put('S', 0);
m.get('S').put('Q', 1);
m.get('Q').put('S', 1);
m.get('S').put('E', 0);
m.get('E').put('S', 0);
m.get('S').put('G', -1);
m.get('G').put('S', -1);
m.get('S').put('H', 1);
m.get('H').put('S', 1);
m.get('S').put('I', 1);
m.get('I').put('S', 1);
m.get('S').put('L', 3);
m.get('L').put('S', 3);
m.get('S').put('K', 0);
m.get('K').put('S', 0);
m.get('S').put('M', 2);
m.get('M').put('S', 2);
m.get('S').put('F', 3);
m.get('F').put('S', 3);
m.get('S').put('P', -1);
m.get('P').put('S', -1);
m.get('S').put('S', -3);
m.get('T').put('A', -1);
m.get('A').put('T', -1);
m.get('T').put('R', 1);
m.get('R').put('T', 1);
m.get('T').put('N', 0);
m.get('N').put('T', 0);
m.get('T').put('D', 0);
m.get('D').put('T', 0);
m.get('T').put('C', 2);
m.get('C').put('T', 2);
m.get('T').put('Q', 1);
m.get('Q').put('T', 1);
m.get('T').put('E', 0);
m.get('E').put('T', 0);
m.get('T').put('G', 0);
m.get('G').put('T', 0);
m.get('T').put('H', 1);
m.get('H').put('T', 1);
m.get('T').put('I', 0);
m.get('I').put('T', 0);
m.get('T').put('L', 2);
m.get('L').put('T', 2);
m.get('T').put('K', 0);
m.get('K').put('T', 0);
m.get('T').put('M', 1);
m.get('M').put('T', 1);
m.get('T').put('F', 2);
m.get('F').put('T', 2);
m.get('T').put('P', 0);
m.get('P').put('T', 0);
m.get('T').put('S', -1);
m.get('S').put('T', -1);
m.get('T').put('T', -3);
m.get('W').put('A', 6);
m.get('A').put('W', 6);
m.get('W').put('R', -2);
m.get('R').put('W', -2);
m.get('W').put('N', 4);
m.get('N').put('W', 4);
m.get('W').put('D', 7);
m.get('D').put('W', 7);
m.get('W').put('C', 8);
m.get('C').put('W', 8);
m.get('W').put('Q', 5);
m.get('Q').put('W', 5);
m.get('W').put('E', 7);
m.get('E').put('W', 7);
m.get('W').put('G', 7);
m.get('G').put('W', 7);
m.get('W').put('H', 3);
m.get('H').put('W', 3);
m.get('W').put('I', 5);
m.get('I').put('W', 5);
m.get('W').put('L', 2);
m.get('L').put('W', 2);
m.get('W').put('K', 3);
m.get('K').put('W', 3);
m.get('W').put('M', 4);
m.get('M').put('W', 4);
m.get('W').put('F', 0);
m.get('F').put('W', 0);
m.get('W').put('P', 6);
m.get('P').put('W', 6);
m.get('W').put('S', 2);
m.get('S').put('W', 2);
m.get('W').put('T', 5);
m.get('T').put('W', 5);
m.get('W').put('W', -17);
m.get('Y').put('A', 3);
m.get('A').put('Y', 3);
m.get('Y').put('R', 4);
m.get('R').put('Y', 4);
m.get('Y').put('N', 2);
m.get('N').put('Y', 2);
m.get('Y').put('D', 4);
m.get('D').put('Y', 4);
m.get('Y').put('C', 0);
m.get('C').put('Y', 0);
m.get('Y').put('Q', 4);
m.get('Q').put('Y', 4);
m.get('Y').put('E', 4);
m.get('E').put('Y', 4);
m.get('Y').put('G', 5);
m.get('G').put('Y', 5);
m.get('Y').put('H', 0);
m.get('H').put('Y', 0);
m.get('Y').put('I', 1);
m.get('I').put('Y', 1);
m.get('Y').put('L', 1);
m.get('L').put('Y', 1);
m.get('Y').put('K', 4);
m.get('K').put('Y', 4);
m.get('Y').put('M', 2);
m.get('M').put('Y', 2);
m.get('Y').put('F', -7);
m.get('F').put('Y', -7);
m.get('Y').put('P', 5);
m.get('P').put('Y', 5);
m.get('Y').put('S', 3);
m.get('S').put('Y', 3);
m.get('Y').put('T', 3);
m.get('T').put('Y', 3);
m.get('Y').put('W', 0);
m.get('W').put('Y', 0);
m.get('Y').put('Y', -10);
m.get('V').put('A', 0);
m.get('A').put('V', 0);
m.get('V').put('R', 2);
m.get('R').put('V', 2);
m.get('V').put('N', 2);
m.get('N').put('V', 2);
m.get('V').put('D', 2);
m.get('D').put('V', 2);
m.get('V').put('C', 2);
m.get('C').put('V', 2);
m.get('V').put('Q', 2);
m.get('Q').put('V', 2);
m.get('V').put('E', 2);
m.get('E').put('V', 2);
m.get('V').put('G', 1);
m.get('G').put('V', 1);
m.get('V').put('H', 2);
m.get('H').put('V', 2);
m.get('V').put('I', -4);
m.get('I').put('V', -4);
m.get('V').put('L', -2);
m.get('L').put('V', -2);
m.get('V').put('K', 2);
m.get('K').put('V', 2);
m.get('V').put('M', -2);
m.get('M').put('V', -2);
m.get('V').put('F', 1);
m.get('F').put('V', 1);
m.get('V').put('P', 1);
m.get('P').put('V', 1);
m.get('V').put('S', 1);
m.get('S').put('V', 1);
m.get('V').put('T', 0);
m.get('T').put('V', 0);
m.get('V').put('W', 6);
m.get('W').put('V', 6);
m.get('V').put('Y', 2);
m.get('Y').put('V', 2);
m.get('V').put('V', -4);

public Integer getCost(Character aminoAcidChar1, Character aminoAcidChar2) {
try {
return m.get(aminoAcidChar1).get(aminoAcidChar2);
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad arguments: (" +
aminoAcidChar1 + ", " + aminoAcidChar2 + ")",


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public final class AminoAcidAlphabet {

public static final Character GAP_CHARACTER = '-';
private static AminoAcidAlphabet instance;

private final Set<Character> alphabet = new HashSet<>();

public static AminoAcidAlphabet getAminoAcidAlphabet() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new AminoAcidAlphabet();

return instance;

private AminoAcidAlphabet() {
String aminoAcids = "ACDEF" +

for (char c : aminoAcids.toCharArray()) {

public Set<Character> getCharacterSet() {
return Collections.<Character>unmodifiableSet(alphabet);


public class Alignment {

private final String alignment;
private final int cost;

Alignment(String alignment, int cost) {
this.alignment = alignment;
this.cost = cost;

public String getAlignemnt() {
return alignment;

public int getCost() {
return cost;

public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String separator = "";

for (String row : alignment) {
separator = "n";

sb.append("nCost: ").append(cost);
return sb.toString();


public interface CostMatrix<C> {

public C getCost(Character aminoAcidChar1, Character aminoAcidChar2);


import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

final class HeuristicFunction {

private final Map<Point, Integer> matrix;

HeuristicFunction(MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
int sequences = instance.getSequenceArray().length;
this.matrix = new Map[sequences];

for (int i = 0; i < sequences; ++i) {
this.matrix[i] = new Map[sequences];

for (int j = i + 1; j < sequences; ++j) {
this.matrix[i][j] = new HashMap<>();

void put(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point, Integer cost) {
matrix[dimension1][dimension2].put(point, cost);

boolean containsPartial(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point) {
return matrix[dimension1][dimension2].containsKey(point);

Integer getPartial(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point) {
return matrix[dimension1][dimension2].get(point);

Integer get(LatticeNode node) {
int cost = 0;
int coordinates = node.getCoordinates();
Point point = new Point();

for (int dimension1 = 0;
dimension1 < coordinates.length;
dimension1++) {
point.x = dimension1;

for (int dimension2 = dimension1 + 1;
dimension2 < coordinates.length;
dimension2++) {
point.y = dimension2;
cost += matrix[dimension1][dimension2].get(point);

return cost;


final class App {

private static final String SEQUENCES = {

public static void main(String args) {
MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance =
new MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance(

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Alignment alignment1 = instance.align();
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println(end - start + " ms.");

start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Alignment alignment2 = instance.alignBrute();
end = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println(end - start + " ms.");


The output for the demo is

Computed heuristic function in 1003 milliseconds.
Cost: 53
1126 ms.

Cost: 53
60 ms.

Critique request

As always, please tell me anything that comes to mind.

share|improve this question


    (The entire project lives here.)

    Problem definition

    Suppose we are given three genomic strings drawn from the alphabet of 20 amino acids:


    In multiple sequence alignment problem we want to align them optimally in order to access their evolutionary similarity. Such an alignment may look like the following:



    Often, the problem is cast as a pathfinding problem in $k$-dimensional lattice, where $k$ is the number of strings. Here is my program, it compares A* with Dijkstra's algorithms:


    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Objects;
    import java.util.PriorityQueue;
    import java.util.Queue;
    import java.util.Set;

    public final class MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance {

    * The penalty for pairs in which there is one valid character and one gap.
    private final int gapPenalty;

    * The character pairs cost matrix.
    private final CostMatrix<Integer> costMatrix;

    * The array of sequences to be aligned.
    private final String sequenceArray;

    // A small speed optimization:
    private final char column;

    public MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance(CostMatrix<Integer> costMatrix,
    int gapPenalty,
    String... sequenceArray) {
    this.costMatrix = Objects.requireNonNull(costMatrix,
    "Cost matrix is null");
    this.gapPenalty = gapPenalty;
    this.sequenceArray = sequenceArray.clone();
    this.column = new char[sequenceArray.length];

    for (int i = 0; i != sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
    this.sequenceArray[i] =

    public Alignment align() {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    HeuristicFunction hf = new HeuristicFunctionComputer()
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

    System.out.println("Computed heuristic function in " + (end - start) +
    " milliseconds.");

    Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
    Map<LatticeNode, Integer> distance = new HashMap<>();
    Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents = new HashMap<>();

    LatticeNode sourceNode = getSourceNode();
    LatticeNode targetNode = getTargetNode();

    open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(sourceNode, 0));
    distance.put(sourceNode, 0);
    parents.put(sourceNode, null);

    Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();

    while (true) {
    LatticeNode currentNode = open.remove().getNode();

    if (currentNode.equals(targetNode)) {
    return tracebackPath(parents, distance.get(currentNode));

    if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


    for (LatticeNode childNode : currentNode.getChildren()) {
    if (closed.contains(childNode)) {

    int tentativeCost = distance.get(currentNode) +
    getWeight(currentNode, childNode);
    Integer currentCost = distance.get(childNode);

    if (currentCost == null || currentCost > tentativeCost) {
    open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(childNode,
    tentativeCost +
    distance.put(childNode, tentativeCost);
    parents.put(childNode, currentNode);

    public Alignment alignBrute() {
    Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
    Map<LatticeNode, Integer> distance = new HashMap<>();
    Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents = new HashMap<>();

    LatticeNode sourceNode = getSourceNode();
    LatticeNode targetNode = getTargetNode();

    open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(sourceNode, 0));
    distance.put(sourceNode, 0);
    parents.put(sourceNode, null);

    Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();

    while (true) {
    LatticeNode currentNode = open.remove().getNode();

    if (currentNode.equals(targetNode)) {
    return tracebackPath(parents, distance.get(currentNode));

    if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


    for (LatticeNode childNode : currentNode.getChildren()) {
    if (closed.contains(childNode)) {

    int tentativeCost = distance.get(currentNode) +
    getWeight(currentNode, childNode);
    Integer currentCost = distance.get(childNode);

    if (currentCost == null || currentCost > tentativeCost) {
    open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(childNode, tentativeCost));
    distance.put(childNode, tentativeCost);
    parents.put(childNode, currentNode);

    * Create the source node for the sequence alignment task, i.e., a lattice
    * node with all coordinates set to zero.
    * @return the source node.
    LatticeNode getSourceNode() {
    int sourceCoordinates = new int[sequenceArray.length];
    return new LatticeNode(this, sourceCoordinates);

    * Create the target node for the sequence alignment task, i.e., a lattice
    * node with all coordinates set to the respective sequence lengths.
    * @return the target node.
    LatticeNode getTargetNode() {
    int targetCoordinates = new int[sequenceArray.length];

    for (int i = 0; i != sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
    targetCoordinates[i] = sequenceArray[i].length();

    return new LatticeNode(this, targetCoordinates);

    Integer getWeight(LatticeNode tail,
    LatticeNode head,
    int dimension1,
    int dimension2) {
    int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
    int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

    if (tailCoordinates[dimension1] == headCoordinates[dimension1]) {
    return gapPenalty;
    } else if (tailCoordinates[dimension2] == headCoordinates[dimension2]) {
    return gapPenalty;
    } else {
    // System.out.println("3");
    char character1 = sequenceArray[dimension1]

    char character2 = sequenceArray[dimension2]
    return costMatrix.getCost(character1, character2);

    Integer getWeight(LatticeNode tail, LatticeNode head) {
    // Extract the column represented by taking a single hop from 'tail' to
    // 'head':
    int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
    int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

    for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
    if (tailCoordinates[i] + 1 == headCoordinates[i]) {
    column[i] = sequenceArray[i].charAt(tailCoordinates[i]);
    } else {
    column[i] = AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER;

    // Compute the hop cost as the sum of pairwise hops in any plane:
    int cost = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < column.length; ++i) {
    char character1 = column[i];

    for (int j = i + 1; j < column.length; ++j) {
    char character2 = column[j];

    if (character1 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
    if (character2 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
    cost += costMatrix.getCost(character1, character2);
    } else {
    cost += gapPenalty;
    } else {
    // character1 IS the gap character:
    if (character2 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
    cost += gapPenalty;
    } else {
    // Do nothing since we have a pair (gap, gap).

    return cost;

    String getSequenceArray() {
    return sequenceArray;

    private Alignment tracebackPath(Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents,
    Integer cost) {
    List<LatticeNode> path = new ArrayList<>();
    LatticeNode node = getTargetNode();

    while (node != null) {
    node = parents.get(node);


    String strings = new String[getSequenceArray().length];
    StringBuilder stringBuilders = new StringBuilder[strings.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < stringBuilders.length; ++i) {
    stringBuilders[i] = new StringBuilder();

    for (int i = 1; i < path.size(); ++i) {
    LatticeNode tail = path.get(i - 1);
    LatticeNode head = path.get(i);

    int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
    int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

    for (int j = 0; j < tailCoordinates.length; ++j) {
    if (tailCoordinates[j] != headCoordinates[j]) {
    } else {

    for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
    strings[i] = stringBuilders[i].toString();

    return new Alignment(strings, cost);

    private String checkIsValidGenomicSequence(String string) {
    Set<Character> characterSet =

    for (char c : string.toCharArray()) {
    if (!characterSet.contains(c)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown amino acid: " + c);

    return string;

    private static final class LatticeNodeHolder
    implements Comparable<LatticeNodeHolder> {

    private final Integer fScore;
    private final LatticeNode node;

    LatticeNodeHolder(LatticeNode node, Integer fScore) {
    this.fScore = fScore;
    this.node = node;

    LatticeNode getNode() {
    return node;

    public int compareTo(LatticeNodeHolder o) {
    return, o.fScore);


    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.PriorityQueue;
    import java.util.Queue;
    import java.util.Set;

    final class HeuristicFunctionComputer {

    HeuristicFunction computeHeuristicFunction(
    MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
    String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
    HeuristicFunction heuristicFunction = new HeuristicFunction(instance);

    for (int dimension1 = 0;
    dimension1 < sequenceArray.length;
    dimension1++) {
    for (int dimension2 = dimension1 + 1;
    dimension2 < sequenceArray.length;
    dimension2++) {

    return heuristicFunction;

    // Basically, this method runs Dijkstra backwards from the target node until
    // the entire 2D-grid is explored.
    private void loadPartialHeuristicFunction(
    HeuristicFunction heuristicFunction,
    int dimension1,
    int dimension2,
    MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
    LatticeNode target = instance.getTargetNode();
    Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
    Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();
    open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(target, 0));
    Point point = new Point();

    while (!open.isEmpty()) {
    LatticeNodeHolder currentNodeHolder = open.remove();
    LatticeNode currentNode = currentNodeHolder.getLatticeNode();

    if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


    Integer currentNodeCost = currentNodeHolder.getCost();
    extractPoint(point, currentNode, dimension1, dimension2);
    new Point(point),

    for (LatticeNode parent : currentNode.getParents()) {
    if (closed.contains(parent)) {

    int tentativeCost =
    currentNodeCost + instance.getWeight(parent,
    extractPoint(point, parent, dimension1, dimension2);

    if (!heuristicFunction.containsPartial(dimension1,
    || heuristicFunction.getPartial(dimension1,
    > tentativeCost) {
    open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(parent, tentativeCost));

    private static void extractPoint(Point point,
    LatticeNode latticeNode,
    int i,
    int j) {
    int coordinates = latticeNode.getCoordinates();
    point.x = coordinates[i];
    point.y = coordinates[j];

    private static final class LatticeNodeHolder
    implements Comparable<LatticeNodeHolder> {

    private final LatticeNode node;
    private final Integer cost;

    LatticeNodeHolder(LatticeNode node, Integer cost) {
    this.node = node;
    this.cost = cost;

    LatticeNode getLatticeNode() {
    return node;

    Integer getCost() {
    return cost;

    public int compareTo(LatticeNodeHolder o) {
    return, o.cost);


    import java.util.Arrays;

    final class LatticeNode {

    * The problem instance this lattice node contributes to.
    private final MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance;

    * The coordinates of this node in the entire lattice.
    private final int coordinates;

    LatticeNode(MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance, int coordinates) {
    this.instance = instance;
    this.coordinates = coordinates;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
    return Arrays.equals(coordinates, ((LatticeNode) o).coordinates);

    // Generated by NetBeans 8.1:
    public int hashCode() {
    int hash = 7;
    hash = 41 * hash + Arrays.hashCode(this.coordinates);
    return hash;

    public String toString() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
    String separator = "";

    for (int coordinate : coordinates) {
    separator = ", ";

    return sb.append("]").toString();

    LatticeNode getChildren() {
    // Find out in how many dimension we can move forward:
    int dimensionsNotReached = 0;
    String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
    boolean inclusionMap = new boolean[coordinates.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
    if (coordinates[i] < sequenceArray[i].length()) {
    // We can make a step forward in the direction of ith dimension:
    inclusionMap[i] = true;

    // Create the array of children:
    int numberOfChildren = pow2(dimensionsNotReached) - 1;
    LatticeNode children = new LatticeNode[numberOfChildren];
    loadChildren(children, inclusionMap);

    // Convert offsets to actual child coordinates:
    for (LatticeNode child : children) {

    return children;

    LatticeNode getParents() {
    // Find out in how many dimensions we can move BACKward:
    int dimensionsNotReached = 0;
    String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
    boolean inclusionMap = new boolean[coordinates.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
    if (coordinates[i] > 0) {
    // We can make a step backwards in the direction of ith
    // dimension:
    inclusionMap[i] = true;

    // Create the array of parents:
    int numberOfParents = pow2(dimensionsNotReached) - 1;
    LatticeNode parents = new LatticeNode[numberOfParents];
    loadParents(parents, inclusionMap);

    // Convert the offsets to actual parent coordinates:
    for (LatticeNode parent : parents) {

    return parents;

    int getCoordinates() {
    return coordinates;

    private void loadChildren(LatticeNode children, boolean inclusionMap) {
    int coords = new int[this.coordinates.length];

    for (int i = 0; i != children.length; ++i) {
    increment(coords, inclusionMap);
    children[i] = new LatticeNode(instance, coords.clone());

    private void loadParents(LatticeNode parents, boolean inclusionMap) {
    int coords = new int[this.coordinates.length];

    for (int i = 0; i != parents.length; ++i) {
    decrement(coords, inclusionMap);
    parents[i] = new LatticeNode(instance, coords.clone());

    private static void increment(int coordinates, boolean inclusionMap) {
    for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
    if (!inclusionMap[i]) {

    if (coordinates[i] == 0) {
    coordinates[i] = 1;

    coordinates[i] = 0;

    private static void decrement(int coordinates, boolean inclusionMap) {
    for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
    if (!inclusionMap[i]) {

    if (coordinates[i] == 0) {
    coordinates[i] = -1;

    coordinates[i] = 0;

    private void addOffsets(int offsets) {
    for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
    coordinates[i] += offsets[i];

    private static int pow2(int exponent) {
    int ret = 1;

    for (int e = 0; e < exponent; ++e) {
    ret *= 2;

    return ret;


    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;

    public final class PAM250CostMatrix implements CostMatrix<Integer> {

    private static PAM250CostMatrix instance;

    private final Map<Character, Map<Character, Integer>> m = new HashMap<>();

    public static PAM250CostMatrix getPAM250CostMatrix() {
    if (instance == null) {
    instance = new PAM250CostMatrix();

    return instance;

    private PAM250CostMatrix() {
    AminoAcidAlphabet alphabet = AminoAcidAlphabet.getAminoAcidAlphabet();

    alphabet.getCharacterSet().stream().forEach((character) -> {
    m.put(character, new HashMap<>());

    m.get('A').put('A', -2);
    m.get('R').put('A', 2);
    m.get('A').put('R', 2);
    m.get('R').put('R', -6);
    m.get('N').put('A', 0);
    m.get('A').put('N', 0);
    m.get('N').put('R', 0);
    m.get('R').put('N', 0);
    m.get('N').put('N', -2);
    m.get('D').put('A', 0);
    m.get('A').put('D', 0);
    m.get('D').put('R', 1);
    m.get('R').put('D', 1);
    m.get('D').put('N', -2);
    m.get('N').put('D', -2);
    m.get('D').put('D', -4);
    m.get('C').put('A', 2);
    m.get('A').put('C', 2);
    m.get('C').put('R', 4);
    m.get('R').put('C', 4);
    m.get('C').put('N', 4);
    m.get('N').put('C', 4);
    m.get('C').put('D', 5);
    m.get('D').put('C', 5);
    m.get('C').put('C', -4);
    m.get('Q').put('A', 0);
    m.get('A').put('Q', 0);
    m.get('Q').put('R', -1);
    m.get('R').put('Q', -1);
    m.get('Q').put('N', -1);
    m.get('N').put('Q', -1);
    m.get('Q').put('D', -2);
    m.get('D').put('Q', -2);
    m.get('Q').put('C', 5);
    m.get('C').put('Q', 5);
    m.get('Q').put('Q', -4);
    m.get('E').put('A', 0);
    m.get('A').put('E', 0);
    m.get('E').put('R', 1);
    m.get('R').put('E', 1);
    m.get('E').put('N', -1);
    m.get('N').put('E', -1);
    m.get('E').put('D', -3);
    m.get('D').put('E', -3);
    m.get('E').put('C', 5);
    m.get('C').put('E', 5);
    m.get('E').put('Q', -2);
    m.get('Q').put('E', -2);
    m.get('E').put('E', -4);
    m.get('G').put('A', -1);
    m.get('A').put('G', -1);
    m.get('G').put('R', 3);
    m.get('R').put('G', 3);
    m.get('G').put('N', 0);
    m.get('N').put('G', 0);
    m.get('G').put('D', -1);
    m.get('D').put('G', -1);
    m.get('G').put('C', 3);
    m.get('C').put('G', 3);
    m.get('G').put('Q', 1);
    m.get('Q').put('G', 1);
    m.get('G').put('E', 0);
    m.get('E').put('G', 0);
    m.get('G').put('G', -5);
    m.get('H').put('A', 1);
    m.get('A').put('H', 1);
    m.get('H').put('R', -2);
    m.get('R').put('H', -2);
    m.get('H').put('N', -2);
    m.get('N').put('H', -2);
    m.get('H').put('D', -1);
    m.get('D').put('H', -1);
    m.get('H').put('C', 3);
    m.get('C').put('H', 3);
    m.get('H').put('Q', -3);
    m.get('Q').put('H', -3);
    m.get('H').put('E', -1);
    m.get('E').put('H', -1);
    m.get('H').put('G', 2);
    m.get('G').put('H', 2);
    m.get('H').put('H', -6);
    m.get('I').put('A', 1);
    m.get('A').put('I', 1);
    m.get('I').put('R', 2);
    m.get('R').put('I', 2);
    m.get('I').put('N', 2);
    m.get('N').put('I', 2);
    m.get('I').put('D', 2);
    m.get('D').put('I', 2);
    m.get('I').put('C', 2);
    m.get('C').put('I', 2);
    m.get('I').put('Q', 2);
    m.get('Q').put('I', 2);
    m.get('I').put('E', 2);
    m.get('E').put('I', 2);
    m.get('I').put('G', 3);
    m.get('G').put('I', 3);
    m.get('I').put('H', 2);
    m.get('H').put('I', 2);
    m.get('I').put('I', -5);
    m.get('L').put('A', 2);
    m.get('A').put('L', 2);
    m.get('L').put('R', 3);
    m.get('R').put('L', 3);
    m.get('L').put('N', 3);
    m.get('N').put('L', 3);
    m.get('L').put('D', 4);
    m.get('D').put('L', 4);
    m.get('L').put('C', 6);
    m.get('C').put('L', 6);
    m.get('L').put('Q', 2);
    m.get('Q').put('L', 2);
    m.get('L').put('E', 3);
    m.get('E').put('L', 3);
    m.get('L').put('G', 4);
    m.get('G').put('L', 4);
    m.get('L').put('H', 2);
    m.get('H').put('L', 2);
    m.get('L').put('I', -2);
    m.get('I').put('L', -2);
    m.get('L').put('L', -6);
    m.get('K').put('A', 1);
    m.get('A').put('K', 1);
    m.get('K').put('R', -3);
    m.get('R').put('K', -3);
    m.get('K').put('N', -1);
    m.get('N').put('K', -1);
    m.get('K').put('D', 0);
    m.get('D').put('K', 0);
    m.get('K').put('C', 5);
    m.get('C').put('K', 5);
    m.get('K').put('Q', -1);
    m.get('Q').put('K', -1);
    m.get('K').put('E', 0);
    m.get('E').put('K', 0);
    m.get('K').put('G', 2);
    m.get('G').put('K', 2);
    m.get('K').put('H', 0);
    m.get('H').put('K', 0);
    m.get('K').put('I', 2);
    m.get('I').put('K', 2);
    m.get('K').put('L', 3);
    m.get('L').put('K', 3);
    m.get('K').put('K', -5);
    m.get('M').put('A', 1);
    m.get('A').put('M', 1);
    m.get('M').put('R', 0);
    m.get('R').put('M', 0);
    m.get('M').put('N', 2);
    m.get('N').put('M', 2);
    m.get('M').put('D', 3);
    m.get('D').put('M', 3);
    m.get('M').put('C', 5);
    m.get('C').put('M', 5);
    m.get('M').put('Q', 1);
    m.get('Q').put('M', 1);
    m.get('M').put('E', 2);
    m.get('E').put('M', 2);
    m.get('M').put('G', 3);
    m.get('G').put('M', 3);
    m.get('M').put('H', 2);
    m.get('H').put('M', 2);
    m.get('M').put('I', -2);
    m.get('I').put('M', -2);
    m.get('M').put('L', -4);
    m.get('L').put('M', -4);
    m.get('M').put('K', 0);
    m.get('K').put('M', 0);
    m.get('M').put('M', -6);
    m.get('F').put('A', 4);
    m.get('A').put('F', 4);
    m.get('F').put('R', 4);
    m.get('R').put('F', 4);
    m.get('F').put('N', 4);
    m.get('N').put('F', 4);
    m.get('F').put('D', 6);
    m.get('D').put('F', 6);
    m.get('F').put('C', 4);
    m.get('C').put('F', 4);
    m.get('F').put('Q', 5);
    m.get('Q').put('F', 5);
    m.get('F').put('E', 5);
    m.get('E').put('F', 5);
    m.get('F').put('G', 5);
    m.get('G').put('F', 5);
    m.get('F').put('H', 2);
    m.get('H').put('F', 2);
    m.get('F').put('I', -1);
    m.get('I').put('F', -1);
    m.get('F').put('L', -2);
    m.get('L').put('F', -2);
    m.get('F').put('K', 5);
    m.get('K').put('F', 5);
    m.get('F').put('M', 0);
    m.get('M').put('F', 0);
    m.get('F').put('F', -9);
    m.get('P').put('A', -1);
    m.get('A').put('P', -1);
    m.get('P').put('R', 0);
    m.get('R').put('P', 0);
    m.get('P').put('N', 1);
    m.get('N').put('P', 1);
    m.get('P').put('D', 1);
    m.get('D').put('P', 1);
    m.get('P').put('C', 3);
    m.get('C').put('P', 3);
    m.get('P').put('Q', 0);
    m.get('Q').put('P', 0);
    m.get('P').put('E', 1);
    m.get('E').put('P', 1);
    m.get('P').put('G', 1);
    m.get('G').put('P', 1);
    m.get('P').put('H', 0);
    m.get('H').put('P', 0);
    m.get('P').put('I', 2);
    m.get('I').put('P', 2);
    m.get('P').put('L', 3);
    m.get('L').put('P', 3);
    m.get('P').put('K', 1);
    m.get('K').put('P', 1);
    m.get('P').put('M', 2);
    m.get('M').put('P', 2);
    m.get('P').put('F', 5);
    m.get('F').put('P', 5);
    m.get('P').put('P', -6);
    m.get('S').put('A', -1);
    m.get('A').put('S', -1);
    m.get('S').put('R', 0);
    m.get('R').put('S', 0);
    m.get('S').put('N', -1);
    m.get('N').put('S', -1);
    m.get('S').put('D', 0);
    m.get('D').put('S', 0);
    m.get('S').put('C', 0);
    m.get('C').put('S', 0);
    m.get('S').put('Q', 1);
    m.get('Q').put('S', 1);
    m.get('S').put('E', 0);
    m.get('E').put('S', 0);
    m.get('S').put('G', -1);
    m.get('G').put('S', -1);
    m.get('S').put('H', 1);
    m.get('H').put('S', 1);
    m.get('S').put('I', 1);
    m.get('I').put('S', 1);
    m.get('S').put('L', 3);
    m.get('L').put('S', 3);
    m.get('S').put('K', 0);
    m.get('K').put('S', 0);
    m.get('S').put('M', 2);
    m.get('M').put('S', 2);
    m.get('S').put('F', 3);
    m.get('F').put('S', 3);
    m.get('S').put('P', -1);
    m.get('P').put('S', -1);
    m.get('S').put('S', -3);
    m.get('T').put('A', -1);
    m.get('A').put('T', -1);
    m.get('T').put('R', 1);
    m.get('R').put('T', 1);
    m.get('T').put('N', 0);
    m.get('N').put('T', 0);
    m.get('T').put('D', 0);
    m.get('D').put('T', 0);
    m.get('T').put('C', 2);
    m.get('C').put('T', 2);
    m.get('T').put('Q', 1);
    m.get('Q').put('T', 1);
    m.get('T').put('E', 0);
    m.get('E').put('T', 0);
    m.get('T').put('G', 0);
    m.get('G').put('T', 0);
    m.get('T').put('H', 1);
    m.get('H').put('T', 1);
    m.get('T').put('I', 0);
    m.get('I').put('T', 0);
    m.get('T').put('L', 2);
    m.get('L').put('T', 2);
    m.get('T').put('K', 0);
    m.get('K').put('T', 0);
    m.get('T').put('M', 1);
    m.get('M').put('T', 1);
    m.get('T').put('F', 2);
    m.get('F').put('T', 2);
    m.get('T').put('P', 0);
    m.get('P').put('T', 0);
    m.get('T').put('S', -1);
    m.get('S').put('T', -1);
    m.get('T').put('T', -3);
    m.get('W').put('A', 6);
    m.get('A').put('W', 6);
    m.get('W').put('R', -2);
    m.get('R').put('W', -2);
    m.get('W').put('N', 4);
    m.get('N').put('W', 4);
    m.get('W').put('D', 7);
    m.get('D').put('W', 7);
    m.get('W').put('C', 8);
    m.get('C').put('W', 8);
    m.get('W').put('Q', 5);
    m.get('Q').put('W', 5);
    m.get('W').put('E', 7);
    m.get('E').put('W', 7);
    m.get('W').put('G', 7);
    m.get('G').put('W', 7);
    m.get('W').put('H', 3);
    m.get('H').put('W', 3);
    m.get('W').put('I', 5);
    m.get('I').put('W', 5);
    m.get('W').put('L', 2);
    m.get('L').put('W', 2);
    m.get('W').put('K', 3);
    m.get('K').put('W', 3);
    m.get('W').put('M', 4);
    m.get('M').put('W', 4);
    m.get('W').put('F', 0);
    m.get('F').put('W', 0);
    m.get('W').put('P', 6);
    m.get('P').put('W', 6);
    m.get('W').put('S', 2);
    m.get('S').put('W', 2);
    m.get('W').put('T', 5);
    m.get('T').put('W', 5);
    m.get('W').put('W', -17);
    m.get('Y').put('A', 3);
    m.get('A').put('Y', 3);
    m.get('Y').put('R', 4);
    m.get('R').put('Y', 4);
    m.get('Y').put('N', 2);
    m.get('N').put('Y', 2);
    m.get('Y').put('D', 4);
    m.get('D').put('Y', 4);
    m.get('Y').put('C', 0);
    m.get('C').put('Y', 0);
    m.get('Y').put('Q', 4);
    m.get('Q').put('Y', 4);
    m.get('Y').put('E', 4);
    m.get('E').put('Y', 4);
    m.get('Y').put('G', 5);
    m.get('G').put('Y', 5);
    m.get('Y').put('H', 0);
    m.get('H').put('Y', 0);
    m.get('Y').put('I', 1);
    m.get('I').put('Y', 1);
    m.get('Y').put('L', 1);
    m.get('L').put('Y', 1);
    m.get('Y').put('K', 4);
    m.get('K').put('Y', 4);
    m.get('Y').put('M', 2);
    m.get('M').put('Y', 2);
    m.get('Y').put('F', -7);
    m.get('F').put('Y', -7);
    m.get('Y').put('P', 5);
    m.get('P').put('Y', 5);
    m.get('Y').put('S', 3);
    m.get('S').put('Y', 3);
    m.get('Y').put('T', 3);
    m.get('T').put('Y', 3);
    m.get('Y').put('W', 0);
    m.get('W').put('Y', 0);
    m.get('Y').put('Y', -10);
    m.get('V').put('A', 0);
    m.get('A').put('V', 0);
    m.get('V').put('R', 2);
    m.get('R').put('V', 2);
    m.get('V').put('N', 2);
    m.get('N').put('V', 2);
    m.get('V').put('D', 2);
    m.get('D').put('V', 2);
    m.get('V').put('C', 2);
    m.get('C').put('V', 2);
    m.get('V').put('Q', 2);
    m.get('Q').put('V', 2);
    m.get('V').put('E', 2);
    m.get('E').put('V', 2);
    m.get('V').put('G', 1);
    m.get('G').put('V', 1);
    m.get('V').put('H', 2);
    m.get('H').put('V', 2);
    m.get('V').put('I', -4);
    m.get('I').put('V', -4);
    m.get('V').put('L', -2);
    m.get('L').put('V', -2);
    m.get('V').put('K', 2);
    m.get('K').put('V', 2);
    m.get('V').put('M', -2);
    m.get('M').put('V', -2);
    m.get('V').put('F', 1);
    m.get('F').put('V', 1);
    m.get('V').put('P', 1);
    m.get('P').put('V', 1);
    m.get('V').put('S', 1);
    m.get('S').put('V', 1);
    m.get('V').put('T', 0);
    m.get('T').put('V', 0);
    m.get('V').put('W', 6);
    m.get('W').put('V', 6);
    m.get('V').put('Y', 2);
    m.get('Y').put('V', 2);
    m.get('V').put('V', -4);

    public Integer getCost(Character aminoAcidChar1, Character aminoAcidChar2) {
    try {
    return m.get(aminoAcidChar1).get(aminoAcidChar2);
    } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad arguments: (" +
    aminoAcidChar1 + ", " + aminoAcidChar2 + ")",


    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Set;

    public final class AminoAcidAlphabet {

    public static final Character GAP_CHARACTER = '-';
    private static AminoAcidAlphabet instance;

    private final Set<Character> alphabet = new HashSet<>();

    public static AminoAcidAlphabet getAminoAcidAlphabet() {
    if (instance == null) {
    instance = new AminoAcidAlphabet();

    return instance;

    private AminoAcidAlphabet() {
    String aminoAcids = "ACDEF" +
    "GHIKL" +
    "MNPQR" +

    for (char c : aminoAcids.toCharArray()) {

    public Set<Character> getCharacterSet() {
    return Collections.<Character>unmodifiableSet(alphabet);


    public class Alignment {

    private final String alignment;
    private final int cost;

    Alignment(String alignment, int cost) {
    this.alignment = alignment;
    this.cost = cost;

    public String getAlignemnt() {
    return alignment;

    public int getCost() {
    return cost;

    public String toString() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String separator = "";

    for (String row : alignment) {
    separator = "n";

    sb.append("nCost: ").append(cost);
    return sb.toString();


    public interface CostMatrix<C> {

    public C getCost(Character aminoAcidChar1, Character aminoAcidChar2);


    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;

    final class HeuristicFunction {

    private final Map<Point, Integer> matrix;

    HeuristicFunction(MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
    int sequences = instance.getSequenceArray().length;
    this.matrix = new Map[sequences];

    for (int i = 0; i < sequences; ++i) {
    this.matrix[i] = new Map[sequences];

    for (int j = i + 1; j < sequences; ++j) {
    this.matrix[i][j] = new HashMap<>();

    void put(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point, Integer cost) {
    matrix[dimension1][dimension2].put(point, cost);

    boolean containsPartial(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point) {
    return matrix[dimension1][dimension2].containsKey(point);

    Integer getPartial(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point) {
    return matrix[dimension1][dimension2].get(point);

    Integer get(LatticeNode node) {
    int cost = 0;
    int coordinates = node.getCoordinates();
    Point point = new Point();

    for (int dimension1 = 0;
    dimension1 < coordinates.length;
    dimension1++) {
    point.x = dimension1;

    for (int dimension2 = dimension1 + 1;
    dimension2 < coordinates.length;
    dimension2++) {
    point.y = dimension2;
    cost += matrix[dimension1][dimension2].get(point);

    return cost;


    final class App {

    private static final String SEQUENCES = {

    public static void main(String args) {
    MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance =
    new MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance(

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Alignment alignment1 = instance.align();
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

    System.out.println(end - start + " ms.");

    start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Alignment alignment2 = instance.alignBrute();
    end = System.currentTimeMillis();

    System.out.println(end - start + " ms.");


    The output for the demo is

    Computed heuristic function in 1003 milliseconds.
    Cost: 53
    1126 ms.

    Cost: 53
    60 ms.

    Critique request

    As always, please tell me anything that comes to mind.

    share|improve this question




      (The entire project lives here.)

      Problem definition

      Suppose we are given three genomic strings drawn from the alphabet of 20 amino acids:


      In multiple sequence alignment problem we want to align them optimally in order to access their evolutionary similarity. Such an alignment may look like the following:



      Often, the problem is cast as a pathfinding problem in $k$-dimensional lattice, where $k$ is the number of strings. Here is my program, it compares A* with Dijkstra's algorithms:


      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.Collections;
      import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.HashSet;
      import java.util.List;
      import java.util.Map;
      import java.util.Objects;
      import java.util.PriorityQueue;
      import java.util.Queue;
      import java.util.Set;

      public final class MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance {

      * The penalty for pairs in which there is one valid character and one gap.
      private final int gapPenalty;

      * The character pairs cost matrix.
      private final CostMatrix<Integer> costMatrix;

      * The array of sequences to be aligned.
      private final String sequenceArray;

      // A small speed optimization:
      private final char column;

      public MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance(CostMatrix<Integer> costMatrix,
      int gapPenalty,
      String... sequenceArray) {
      this.costMatrix = Objects.requireNonNull(costMatrix,
      "Cost matrix is null");
      this.gapPenalty = gapPenalty;
      this.sequenceArray = sequenceArray.clone();
      this.column = new char[sequenceArray.length];

      for (int i = 0; i != sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      this.sequenceArray[i] =

      public Alignment align() {
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      HeuristicFunction hf = new HeuristicFunctionComputer()
      long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println("Computed heuristic function in " + (end - start) +
      " milliseconds.");

      Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
      Map<LatticeNode, Integer> distance = new HashMap<>();
      Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents = new HashMap<>();

      LatticeNode sourceNode = getSourceNode();
      LatticeNode targetNode = getTargetNode();

      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(sourceNode, 0));
      distance.put(sourceNode, 0);
      parents.put(sourceNode, null);

      Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();

      while (true) {
      LatticeNode currentNode = open.remove().getNode();

      if (currentNode.equals(targetNode)) {
      return tracebackPath(parents, distance.get(currentNode));

      if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


      for (LatticeNode childNode : currentNode.getChildren()) {
      if (closed.contains(childNode)) {

      int tentativeCost = distance.get(currentNode) +
      getWeight(currentNode, childNode);
      Integer currentCost = distance.get(childNode);

      if (currentCost == null || currentCost > tentativeCost) {
      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(childNode,
      tentativeCost +
      distance.put(childNode, tentativeCost);
      parents.put(childNode, currentNode);

      public Alignment alignBrute() {
      Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
      Map<LatticeNode, Integer> distance = new HashMap<>();
      Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents = new HashMap<>();

      LatticeNode sourceNode = getSourceNode();
      LatticeNode targetNode = getTargetNode();

      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(sourceNode, 0));
      distance.put(sourceNode, 0);
      parents.put(sourceNode, null);

      Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();

      while (true) {
      LatticeNode currentNode = open.remove().getNode();

      if (currentNode.equals(targetNode)) {
      return tracebackPath(parents, distance.get(currentNode));

      if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


      for (LatticeNode childNode : currentNode.getChildren()) {
      if (closed.contains(childNode)) {

      int tentativeCost = distance.get(currentNode) +
      getWeight(currentNode, childNode);
      Integer currentCost = distance.get(childNode);

      if (currentCost == null || currentCost > tentativeCost) {
      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(childNode, tentativeCost));
      distance.put(childNode, tentativeCost);
      parents.put(childNode, currentNode);

      * Create the source node for the sequence alignment task, i.e., a lattice
      * node with all coordinates set to zero.
      * @return the source node.
      LatticeNode getSourceNode() {
      int sourceCoordinates = new int[sequenceArray.length];
      return new LatticeNode(this, sourceCoordinates);

      * Create the target node for the sequence alignment task, i.e., a lattice
      * node with all coordinates set to the respective sequence lengths.
      * @return the target node.
      LatticeNode getTargetNode() {
      int targetCoordinates = new int[sequenceArray.length];

      for (int i = 0; i != sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      targetCoordinates[i] = sequenceArray[i].length();

      return new LatticeNode(this, targetCoordinates);

      Integer getWeight(LatticeNode tail,
      LatticeNode head,
      int dimension1,
      int dimension2) {
      int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
      int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

      if (tailCoordinates[dimension1] == headCoordinates[dimension1]) {
      return gapPenalty;
      } else if (tailCoordinates[dimension2] == headCoordinates[dimension2]) {
      return gapPenalty;
      } else {
      // System.out.println("3");
      char character1 = sequenceArray[dimension1]

      char character2 = sequenceArray[dimension2]
      return costMatrix.getCost(character1, character2);

      Integer getWeight(LatticeNode tail, LatticeNode head) {
      // Extract the column represented by taking a single hop from 'tail' to
      // 'head':
      int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
      int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

      for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      if (tailCoordinates[i] + 1 == headCoordinates[i]) {
      column[i] = sequenceArray[i].charAt(tailCoordinates[i]);
      } else {
      column[i] = AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER;

      // Compute the hop cost as the sum of pairwise hops in any plane:
      int cost = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < column.length; ++i) {
      char character1 = column[i];

      for (int j = i + 1; j < column.length; ++j) {
      char character2 = column[j];

      if (character1 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
      if (character2 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
      cost += costMatrix.getCost(character1, character2);
      } else {
      cost += gapPenalty;
      } else {
      // character1 IS the gap character:
      if (character2 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
      cost += gapPenalty;
      } else {
      // Do nothing since we have a pair (gap, gap).

      return cost;

      String getSequenceArray() {
      return sequenceArray;

      private Alignment tracebackPath(Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents,
      Integer cost) {
      List<LatticeNode> path = new ArrayList<>();
      LatticeNode node = getTargetNode();

      while (node != null) {
      node = parents.get(node);


      String strings = new String[getSequenceArray().length];
      StringBuilder stringBuilders = new StringBuilder[strings.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < stringBuilders.length; ++i) {
      stringBuilders[i] = new StringBuilder();

      for (int i = 1; i < path.size(); ++i) {
      LatticeNode tail = path.get(i - 1);
      LatticeNode head = path.get(i);

      int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
      int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

      for (int j = 0; j < tailCoordinates.length; ++j) {
      if (tailCoordinates[j] != headCoordinates[j]) {
      } else {

      for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
      strings[i] = stringBuilders[i].toString();

      return new Alignment(strings, cost);

      private String checkIsValidGenomicSequence(String string) {
      Set<Character> characterSet =

      for (char c : string.toCharArray()) {
      if (!characterSet.contains(c)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown amino acid: " + c);

      return string;

      private static final class LatticeNodeHolder
      implements Comparable<LatticeNodeHolder> {

      private final Integer fScore;
      private final LatticeNode node;

      LatticeNodeHolder(LatticeNode node, Integer fScore) {
      this.fScore = fScore;
      this.node = node;

      LatticeNode getNode() {
      return node;

      public int compareTo(LatticeNodeHolder o) {
      return, o.fScore);


      import java.awt.Point;
      import java.util.HashSet;
      import java.util.PriorityQueue;
      import java.util.Queue;
      import java.util.Set;

      final class HeuristicFunctionComputer {

      HeuristicFunction computeHeuristicFunction(
      MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
      String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
      HeuristicFunction heuristicFunction = new HeuristicFunction(instance);

      for (int dimension1 = 0;
      dimension1 < sequenceArray.length;
      dimension1++) {
      for (int dimension2 = dimension1 + 1;
      dimension2 < sequenceArray.length;
      dimension2++) {

      return heuristicFunction;

      // Basically, this method runs Dijkstra backwards from the target node until
      // the entire 2D-grid is explored.
      private void loadPartialHeuristicFunction(
      HeuristicFunction heuristicFunction,
      int dimension1,
      int dimension2,
      MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
      LatticeNode target = instance.getTargetNode();
      Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
      Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();
      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(target, 0));
      Point point = new Point();

      while (!open.isEmpty()) {
      LatticeNodeHolder currentNodeHolder = open.remove();
      LatticeNode currentNode = currentNodeHolder.getLatticeNode();

      if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


      Integer currentNodeCost = currentNodeHolder.getCost();
      extractPoint(point, currentNode, dimension1, dimension2);
      new Point(point),

      for (LatticeNode parent : currentNode.getParents()) {
      if (closed.contains(parent)) {

      int tentativeCost =
      currentNodeCost + instance.getWeight(parent,
      extractPoint(point, parent, dimension1, dimension2);

      if (!heuristicFunction.containsPartial(dimension1,
      || heuristicFunction.getPartial(dimension1,
      > tentativeCost) {
      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(parent, tentativeCost));

      private static void extractPoint(Point point,
      LatticeNode latticeNode,
      int i,
      int j) {
      int coordinates = latticeNode.getCoordinates();
      point.x = coordinates[i];
      point.y = coordinates[j];

      private static final class LatticeNodeHolder
      implements Comparable<LatticeNodeHolder> {

      private final LatticeNode node;
      private final Integer cost;

      LatticeNodeHolder(LatticeNode node, Integer cost) {
      this.node = node;
      this.cost = cost;

      LatticeNode getLatticeNode() {
      return node;

      Integer getCost() {
      return cost;

      public int compareTo(LatticeNodeHolder o) {
      return, o.cost);


      import java.util.Arrays;

      final class LatticeNode {

      * The problem instance this lattice node contributes to.
      private final MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance;

      * The coordinates of this node in the entire lattice.
      private final int coordinates;

      LatticeNode(MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance, int coordinates) {
      this.instance = instance;
      this.coordinates = coordinates;

      public boolean equals(Object o) {
      return Arrays.equals(coordinates, ((LatticeNode) o).coordinates);

      // Generated by NetBeans 8.1:
      public int hashCode() {
      int hash = 7;
      hash = 41 * hash + Arrays.hashCode(this.coordinates);
      return hash;

      public String toString() {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
      String separator = "";

      for (int coordinate : coordinates) {
      separator = ", ";

      return sb.append("]").toString();

      LatticeNode getChildren() {
      // Find out in how many dimension we can move forward:
      int dimensionsNotReached = 0;
      String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
      boolean inclusionMap = new boolean[coordinates.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      if (coordinates[i] < sequenceArray[i].length()) {
      // We can make a step forward in the direction of ith dimension:
      inclusionMap[i] = true;

      // Create the array of children:
      int numberOfChildren = pow2(dimensionsNotReached) - 1;
      LatticeNode children = new LatticeNode[numberOfChildren];
      loadChildren(children, inclusionMap);

      // Convert offsets to actual child coordinates:
      for (LatticeNode child : children) {

      return children;

      LatticeNode getParents() {
      // Find out in how many dimensions we can move BACKward:
      int dimensionsNotReached = 0;
      String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
      boolean inclusionMap = new boolean[coordinates.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      if (coordinates[i] > 0) {
      // We can make a step backwards in the direction of ith
      // dimension:
      inclusionMap[i] = true;

      // Create the array of parents:
      int numberOfParents = pow2(dimensionsNotReached) - 1;
      LatticeNode parents = new LatticeNode[numberOfParents];
      loadParents(parents, inclusionMap);

      // Convert the offsets to actual parent coordinates:
      for (LatticeNode parent : parents) {

      return parents;

      int getCoordinates() {
      return coordinates;

      private void loadChildren(LatticeNode children, boolean inclusionMap) {
      int coords = new int[this.coordinates.length];

      for (int i = 0; i != children.length; ++i) {
      increment(coords, inclusionMap);
      children[i] = new LatticeNode(instance, coords.clone());

      private void loadParents(LatticeNode parents, boolean inclusionMap) {
      int coords = new int[this.coordinates.length];

      for (int i = 0; i != parents.length; ++i) {
      decrement(coords, inclusionMap);
      parents[i] = new LatticeNode(instance, coords.clone());

      private static void increment(int coordinates, boolean inclusionMap) {
      for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
      if (!inclusionMap[i]) {

      if (coordinates[i] == 0) {
      coordinates[i] = 1;

      coordinates[i] = 0;

      private static void decrement(int coordinates, boolean inclusionMap) {
      for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
      if (!inclusionMap[i]) {

      if (coordinates[i] == 0) {
      coordinates[i] = -1;

      coordinates[i] = 0;

      private void addOffsets(int offsets) {
      for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
      coordinates[i] += offsets[i];

      private static int pow2(int exponent) {
      int ret = 1;

      for (int e = 0; e < exponent; ++e) {
      ret *= 2;

      return ret;


      import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.Map;

      public final class PAM250CostMatrix implements CostMatrix<Integer> {

      private static PAM250CostMatrix instance;

      private final Map<Character, Map<Character, Integer>> m = new HashMap<>();

      public static PAM250CostMatrix getPAM250CostMatrix() {
      if (instance == null) {
      instance = new PAM250CostMatrix();

      return instance;

      private PAM250CostMatrix() {
      AminoAcidAlphabet alphabet = AminoAcidAlphabet.getAminoAcidAlphabet();

      alphabet.getCharacterSet().stream().forEach((character) -> {
      m.put(character, new HashMap<>());

      m.get('A').put('A', -2);
      m.get('R').put('A', 2);
      m.get('A').put('R', 2);
      m.get('R').put('R', -6);
      m.get('N').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('N', 0);
      m.get('N').put('R', 0);
      m.get('R').put('N', 0);
      m.get('N').put('N', -2);
      m.get('D').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('D', 0);
      m.get('D').put('R', 1);
      m.get('R').put('D', 1);
      m.get('D').put('N', -2);
      m.get('N').put('D', -2);
      m.get('D').put('D', -4);
      m.get('C').put('A', 2);
      m.get('A').put('C', 2);
      m.get('C').put('R', 4);
      m.get('R').put('C', 4);
      m.get('C').put('N', 4);
      m.get('N').put('C', 4);
      m.get('C').put('D', 5);
      m.get('D').put('C', 5);
      m.get('C').put('C', -4);
      m.get('Q').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('Q', 0);
      m.get('Q').put('R', -1);
      m.get('R').put('Q', -1);
      m.get('Q').put('N', -1);
      m.get('N').put('Q', -1);
      m.get('Q').put('D', -2);
      m.get('D').put('Q', -2);
      m.get('Q').put('C', 5);
      m.get('C').put('Q', 5);
      m.get('Q').put('Q', -4);
      m.get('E').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('E', 0);
      m.get('E').put('R', 1);
      m.get('R').put('E', 1);
      m.get('E').put('N', -1);
      m.get('N').put('E', -1);
      m.get('E').put('D', -3);
      m.get('D').put('E', -3);
      m.get('E').put('C', 5);
      m.get('C').put('E', 5);
      m.get('E').put('Q', -2);
      m.get('Q').put('E', -2);
      m.get('E').put('E', -4);
      m.get('G').put('A', -1);
      m.get('A').put('G', -1);
      m.get('G').put('R', 3);
      m.get('R').put('G', 3);
      m.get('G').put('N', 0);
      m.get('N').put('G', 0);
      m.get('G').put('D', -1);
      m.get('D').put('G', -1);
      m.get('G').put('C', 3);
      m.get('C').put('G', 3);
      m.get('G').put('Q', 1);
      m.get('Q').put('G', 1);
      m.get('G').put('E', 0);
      m.get('E').put('G', 0);
      m.get('G').put('G', -5);
      m.get('H').put('A', 1);
      m.get('A').put('H', 1);
      m.get('H').put('R', -2);
      m.get('R').put('H', -2);
      m.get('H').put('N', -2);
      m.get('N').put('H', -2);
      m.get('H').put('D', -1);
      m.get('D').put('H', -1);
      m.get('H').put('C', 3);
      m.get('C').put('H', 3);
      m.get('H').put('Q', -3);
      m.get('Q').put('H', -3);
      m.get('H').put('E', -1);
      m.get('E').put('H', -1);
      m.get('H').put('G', 2);
      m.get('G').put('H', 2);
      m.get('H').put('H', -6);
      m.get('I').put('A', 1);
      m.get('A').put('I', 1);
      m.get('I').put('R', 2);
      m.get('R').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('N', 2);
      m.get('N').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('D', 2);
      m.get('D').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('C', 2);
      m.get('C').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('Q', 2);
      m.get('Q').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('E', 2);
      m.get('E').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('G', 3);
      m.get('G').put('I', 3);
      m.get('I').put('H', 2);
      m.get('H').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('I', -5);
      m.get('L').put('A', 2);
      m.get('A').put('L', 2);
      m.get('L').put('R', 3);
      m.get('R').put('L', 3);
      m.get('L').put('N', 3);
      m.get('N').put('L', 3);
      m.get('L').put('D', 4);
      m.get('D').put('L', 4);
      m.get('L').put('C', 6);
      m.get('C').put('L', 6);
      m.get('L').put('Q', 2);
      m.get('Q').put('L', 2);
      m.get('L').put('E', 3);
      m.get('E').put('L', 3);
      m.get('L').put('G', 4);
      m.get('G').put('L', 4);
      m.get('L').put('H', 2);
      m.get('H').put('L', 2);
      m.get('L').put('I', -2);
      m.get('I').put('L', -2);
      m.get('L').put('L', -6);
      m.get('K').put('A', 1);
      m.get('A').put('K', 1);
      m.get('K').put('R', -3);
      m.get('R').put('K', -3);
      m.get('K').put('N', -1);
      m.get('N').put('K', -1);
      m.get('K').put('D', 0);
      m.get('D').put('K', 0);
      m.get('K').put('C', 5);
      m.get('C').put('K', 5);
      m.get('K').put('Q', -1);
      m.get('Q').put('K', -1);
      m.get('K').put('E', 0);
      m.get('E').put('K', 0);
      m.get('K').put('G', 2);
      m.get('G').put('K', 2);
      m.get('K').put('H', 0);
      m.get('H').put('K', 0);
      m.get('K').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('K', 2);
      m.get('K').put('L', 3);
      m.get('L').put('K', 3);
      m.get('K').put('K', -5);
      m.get('M').put('A', 1);
      m.get('A').put('M', 1);
      m.get('M').put('R', 0);
      m.get('R').put('M', 0);
      m.get('M').put('N', 2);
      m.get('N').put('M', 2);
      m.get('M').put('D', 3);
      m.get('D').put('M', 3);
      m.get('M').put('C', 5);
      m.get('C').put('M', 5);
      m.get('M').put('Q', 1);
      m.get('Q').put('M', 1);
      m.get('M').put('E', 2);
      m.get('E').put('M', 2);
      m.get('M').put('G', 3);
      m.get('G').put('M', 3);
      m.get('M').put('H', 2);
      m.get('H').put('M', 2);
      m.get('M').put('I', -2);
      m.get('I').put('M', -2);
      m.get('M').put('L', -4);
      m.get('L').put('M', -4);
      m.get('M').put('K', 0);
      m.get('K').put('M', 0);
      m.get('M').put('M', -6);
      m.get('F').put('A', 4);
      m.get('A').put('F', 4);
      m.get('F').put('R', 4);
      m.get('R').put('F', 4);
      m.get('F').put('N', 4);
      m.get('N').put('F', 4);
      m.get('F').put('D', 6);
      m.get('D').put('F', 6);
      m.get('F').put('C', 4);
      m.get('C').put('F', 4);
      m.get('F').put('Q', 5);
      m.get('Q').put('F', 5);
      m.get('F').put('E', 5);
      m.get('E').put('F', 5);
      m.get('F').put('G', 5);
      m.get('G').put('F', 5);
      m.get('F').put('H', 2);
      m.get('H').put('F', 2);
      m.get('F').put('I', -1);
      m.get('I').put('F', -1);
      m.get('F').put('L', -2);
      m.get('L').put('F', -2);
      m.get('F').put('K', 5);
      m.get('K').put('F', 5);
      m.get('F').put('M', 0);
      m.get('M').put('F', 0);
      m.get('F').put('F', -9);
      m.get('P').put('A', -1);
      m.get('A').put('P', -1);
      m.get('P').put('R', 0);
      m.get('R').put('P', 0);
      m.get('P').put('N', 1);
      m.get('N').put('P', 1);
      m.get('P').put('D', 1);
      m.get('D').put('P', 1);
      m.get('P').put('C', 3);
      m.get('C').put('P', 3);
      m.get('P').put('Q', 0);
      m.get('Q').put('P', 0);
      m.get('P').put('E', 1);
      m.get('E').put('P', 1);
      m.get('P').put('G', 1);
      m.get('G').put('P', 1);
      m.get('P').put('H', 0);
      m.get('H').put('P', 0);
      m.get('P').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('P', 2);
      m.get('P').put('L', 3);
      m.get('L').put('P', 3);
      m.get('P').put('K', 1);
      m.get('K').put('P', 1);
      m.get('P').put('M', 2);
      m.get('M').put('P', 2);
      m.get('P').put('F', 5);
      m.get('F').put('P', 5);
      m.get('P').put('P', -6);
      m.get('S').put('A', -1);
      m.get('A').put('S', -1);
      m.get('S').put('R', 0);
      m.get('R').put('S', 0);
      m.get('S').put('N', -1);
      m.get('N').put('S', -1);
      m.get('S').put('D', 0);
      m.get('D').put('S', 0);
      m.get('S').put('C', 0);
      m.get('C').put('S', 0);
      m.get('S').put('Q', 1);
      m.get('Q').put('S', 1);
      m.get('S').put('E', 0);
      m.get('E').put('S', 0);
      m.get('S').put('G', -1);
      m.get('G').put('S', -1);
      m.get('S').put('H', 1);
      m.get('H').put('S', 1);
      m.get('S').put('I', 1);
      m.get('I').put('S', 1);
      m.get('S').put('L', 3);
      m.get('L').put('S', 3);
      m.get('S').put('K', 0);
      m.get('K').put('S', 0);
      m.get('S').put('M', 2);
      m.get('M').put('S', 2);
      m.get('S').put('F', 3);
      m.get('F').put('S', 3);
      m.get('S').put('P', -1);
      m.get('P').put('S', -1);
      m.get('S').put('S', -3);
      m.get('T').put('A', -1);
      m.get('A').put('T', -1);
      m.get('T').put('R', 1);
      m.get('R').put('T', 1);
      m.get('T').put('N', 0);
      m.get('N').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('D', 0);
      m.get('D').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('C', 2);
      m.get('C').put('T', 2);
      m.get('T').put('Q', 1);
      m.get('Q').put('T', 1);
      m.get('T').put('E', 0);
      m.get('E').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('G', 0);
      m.get('G').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('H', 1);
      m.get('H').put('T', 1);
      m.get('T').put('I', 0);
      m.get('I').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('L', 2);
      m.get('L').put('T', 2);
      m.get('T').put('K', 0);
      m.get('K').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('M', 1);
      m.get('M').put('T', 1);
      m.get('T').put('F', 2);
      m.get('F').put('T', 2);
      m.get('T').put('P', 0);
      m.get('P').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('S', -1);
      m.get('S').put('T', -1);
      m.get('T').put('T', -3);
      m.get('W').put('A', 6);
      m.get('A').put('W', 6);
      m.get('W').put('R', -2);
      m.get('R').put('W', -2);
      m.get('W').put('N', 4);
      m.get('N').put('W', 4);
      m.get('W').put('D', 7);
      m.get('D').put('W', 7);
      m.get('W').put('C', 8);
      m.get('C').put('W', 8);
      m.get('W').put('Q', 5);
      m.get('Q').put('W', 5);
      m.get('W').put('E', 7);
      m.get('E').put('W', 7);
      m.get('W').put('G', 7);
      m.get('G').put('W', 7);
      m.get('W').put('H', 3);
      m.get('H').put('W', 3);
      m.get('W').put('I', 5);
      m.get('I').put('W', 5);
      m.get('W').put('L', 2);
      m.get('L').put('W', 2);
      m.get('W').put('K', 3);
      m.get('K').put('W', 3);
      m.get('W').put('M', 4);
      m.get('M').put('W', 4);
      m.get('W').put('F', 0);
      m.get('F').put('W', 0);
      m.get('W').put('P', 6);
      m.get('P').put('W', 6);
      m.get('W').put('S', 2);
      m.get('S').put('W', 2);
      m.get('W').put('T', 5);
      m.get('T').put('W', 5);
      m.get('W').put('W', -17);
      m.get('Y').put('A', 3);
      m.get('A').put('Y', 3);
      m.get('Y').put('R', 4);
      m.get('R').put('Y', 4);
      m.get('Y').put('N', 2);
      m.get('N').put('Y', 2);
      m.get('Y').put('D', 4);
      m.get('D').put('Y', 4);
      m.get('Y').put('C', 0);
      m.get('C').put('Y', 0);
      m.get('Y').put('Q', 4);
      m.get('Q').put('Y', 4);
      m.get('Y').put('E', 4);
      m.get('E').put('Y', 4);
      m.get('Y').put('G', 5);
      m.get('G').put('Y', 5);
      m.get('Y').put('H', 0);
      m.get('H').put('Y', 0);
      m.get('Y').put('I', 1);
      m.get('I').put('Y', 1);
      m.get('Y').put('L', 1);
      m.get('L').put('Y', 1);
      m.get('Y').put('K', 4);
      m.get('K').put('Y', 4);
      m.get('Y').put('M', 2);
      m.get('M').put('Y', 2);
      m.get('Y').put('F', -7);
      m.get('F').put('Y', -7);
      m.get('Y').put('P', 5);
      m.get('P').put('Y', 5);
      m.get('Y').put('S', 3);
      m.get('S').put('Y', 3);
      m.get('Y').put('T', 3);
      m.get('T').put('Y', 3);
      m.get('Y').put('W', 0);
      m.get('W').put('Y', 0);
      m.get('Y').put('Y', -10);
      m.get('V').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('V', 0);
      m.get('V').put('R', 2);
      m.get('R').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('N', 2);
      m.get('N').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('D', 2);
      m.get('D').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('C', 2);
      m.get('C').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('Q', 2);
      m.get('Q').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('E', 2);
      m.get('E').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('G', 1);
      m.get('G').put('V', 1);
      m.get('V').put('H', 2);
      m.get('H').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('I', -4);
      m.get('I').put('V', -4);
      m.get('V').put('L', -2);
      m.get('L').put('V', -2);
      m.get('V').put('K', 2);
      m.get('K').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('M', -2);
      m.get('M').put('V', -2);
      m.get('V').put('F', 1);
      m.get('F').put('V', 1);
      m.get('V').put('P', 1);
      m.get('P').put('V', 1);
      m.get('V').put('S', 1);
      m.get('S').put('V', 1);
      m.get('V').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('V', 0);
      m.get('V').put('W', 6);
      m.get('W').put('V', 6);
      m.get('V').put('Y', 2);
      m.get('Y').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('V', -4);

      public Integer getCost(Character aminoAcidChar1, Character aminoAcidChar2) {
      try {
      return m.get(aminoAcidChar1).get(aminoAcidChar2);
      } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad arguments: (" +
      aminoAcidChar1 + ", " + aminoAcidChar2 + ")",


      import java.util.Collections;
      import java.util.HashSet;
      import java.util.Set;

      public final class AminoAcidAlphabet {

      public static final Character GAP_CHARACTER = '-';
      private static AminoAcidAlphabet instance;

      private final Set<Character> alphabet = new HashSet<>();

      public static AminoAcidAlphabet getAminoAcidAlphabet() {
      if (instance == null) {
      instance = new AminoAcidAlphabet();

      return instance;

      private AminoAcidAlphabet() {
      String aminoAcids = "ACDEF" +
      "GHIKL" +
      "MNPQR" +

      for (char c : aminoAcids.toCharArray()) {

      public Set<Character> getCharacterSet() {
      return Collections.<Character>unmodifiableSet(alphabet);


      public class Alignment {

      private final String alignment;
      private final int cost;

      Alignment(String alignment, int cost) {
      this.alignment = alignment;
      this.cost = cost;

      public String getAlignemnt() {
      return alignment;

      public int getCost() {
      return cost;

      public String toString() {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      String separator = "";

      for (String row : alignment) {
      separator = "n";

      sb.append("nCost: ").append(cost);
      return sb.toString();


      public interface CostMatrix<C> {

      public C getCost(Character aminoAcidChar1, Character aminoAcidChar2);


      import java.awt.Point;
      import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.Map;

      final class HeuristicFunction {

      private final Map<Point, Integer> matrix;

      HeuristicFunction(MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
      int sequences = instance.getSequenceArray().length;
      this.matrix = new Map[sequences];

      for (int i = 0; i < sequences; ++i) {
      this.matrix[i] = new Map[sequences];

      for (int j = i + 1; j < sequences; ++j) {
      this.matrix[i][j] = new HashMap<>();

      void put(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point, Integer cost) {
      matrix[dimension1][dimension2].put(point, cost);

      boolean containsPartial(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point) {
      return matrix[dimension1][dimension2].containsKey(point);

      Integer getPartial(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point) {
      return matrix[dimension1][dimension2].get(point);

      Integer get(LatticeNode node) {
      int cost = 0;
      int coordinates = node.getCoordinates();
      Point point = new Point();

      for (int dimension1 = 0;
      dimension1 < coordinates.length;
      dimension1++) {
      point.x = dimension1;

      for (int dimension2 = dimension1 + 1;
      dimension2 < coordinates.length;
      dimension2++) {
      point.y = dimension2;
      cost += matrix[dimension1][dimension2].get(point);

      return cost;


      final class App {

      private static final String SEQUENCES = {

      public static void main(String args) {
      MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance =
      new MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance(

      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      Alignment alignment1 = instance.align();
      long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println(end - start + " ms.");

      start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      Alignment alignment2 = instance.alignBrute();
      end = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println(end - start + " ms.");


      The output for the demo is

      Computed heuristic function in 1003 milliseconds.
      Cost: 53
      1126 ms.

      Cost: 53
      60 ms.

      Critique request

      As always, please tell me anything that comes to mind.

      share|improve this question

      (The entire project lives here.)

      Problem definition

      Suppose we are given three genomic strings drawn from the alphabet of 20 amino acids:


      In multiple sequence alignment problem we want to align them optimally in order to access their evolutionary similarity. Such an alignment may look like the following:



      Often, the problem is cast as a pathfinding problem in $k$-dimensional lattice, where $k$ is the number of strings. Here is my program, it compares A* with Dijkstra's algorithms:


      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.Collections;
      import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.HashSet;
      import java.util.List;
      import java.util.Map;
      import java.util.Objects;
      import java.util.PriorityQueue;
      import java.util.Queue;
      import java.util.Set;

      public final class MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance {

      * The penalty for pairs in which there is one valid character and one gap.
      private final int gapPenalty;

      * The character pairs cost matrix.
      private final CostMatrix<Integer> costMatrix;

      * The array of sequences to be aligned.
      private final String sequenceArray;

      // A small speed optimization:
      private final char column;

      public MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance(CostMatrix<Integer> costMatrix,
      int gapPenalty,
      String... sequenceArray) {
      this.costMatrix = Objects.requireNonNull(costMatrix,
      "Cost matrix is null");
      this.gapPenalty = gapPenalty;
      this.sequenceArray = sequenceArray.clone();
      this.column = new char[sequenceArray.length];

      for (int i = 0; i != sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      this.sequenceArray[i] =

      public Alignment align() {
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      HeuristicFunction hf = new HeuristicFunctionComputer()
      long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println("Computed heuristic function in " + (end - start) +
      " milliseconds.");

      Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
      Map<LatticeNode, Integer> distance = new HashMap<>();
      Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents = new HashMap<>();

      LatticeNode sourceNode = getSourceNode();
      LatticeNode targetNode = getTargetNode();

      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(sourceNode, 0));
      distance.put(sourceNode, 0);
      parents.put(sourceNode, null);

      Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();

      while (true) {
      LatticeNode currentNode = open.remove().getNode();

      if (currentNode.equals(targetNode)) {
      return tracebackPath(parents, distance.get(currentNode));

      if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


      for (LatticeNode childNode : currentNode.getChildren()) {
      if (closed.contains(childNode)) {

      int tentativeCost = distance.get(currentNode) +
      getWeight(currentNode, childNode);
      Integer currentCost = distance.get(childNode);

      if (currentCost == null || currentCost > tentativeCost) {
      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(childNode,
      tentativeCost +
      distance.put(childNode, tentativeCost);
      parents.put(childNode, currentNode);

      public Alignment alignBrute() {
      Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
      Map<LatticeNode, Integer> distance = new HashMap<>();
      Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents = new HashMap<>();

      LatticeNode sourceNode = getSourceNode();
      LatticeNode targetNode = getTargetNode();

      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(sourceNode, 0));
      distance.put(sourceNode, 0);
      parents.put(sourceNode, null);

      Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();

      while (true) {
      LatticeNode currentNode = open.remove().getNode();

      if (currentNode.equals(targetNode)) {
      return tracebackPath(parents, distance.get(currentNode));

      if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


      for (LatticeNode childNode : currentNode.getChildren()) {
      if (closed.contains(childNode)) {

      int tentativeCost = distance.get(currentNode) +
      getWeight(currentNode, childNode);
      Integer currentCost = distance.get(childNode);

      if (currentCost == null || currentCost > tentativeCost) {
      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(childNode, tentativeCost));
      distance.put(childNode, tentativeCost);
      parents.put(childNode, currentNode);

      * Create the source node for the sequence alignment task, i.e., a lattice
      * node with all coordinates set to zero.
      * @return the source node.
      LatticeNode getSourceNode() {
      int sourceCoordinates = new int[sequenceArray.length];
      return new LatticeNode(this, sourceCoordinates);

      * Create the target node for the sequence alignment task, i.e., a lattice
      * node with all coordinates set to the respective sequence lengths.
      * @return the target node.
      LatticeNode getTargetNode() {
      int targetCoordinates = new int[sequenceArray.length];

      for (int i = 0; i != sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      targetCoordinates[i] = sequenceArray[i].length();

      return new LatticeNode(this, targetCoordinates);

      Integer getWeight(LatticeNode tail,
      LatticeNode head,
      int dimension1,
      int dimension2) {
      int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
      int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

      if (tailCoordinates[dimension1] == headCoordinates[dimension1]) {
      return gapPenalty;
      } else if (tailCoordinates[dimension2] == headCoordinates[dimension2]) {
      return gapPenalty;
      } else {
      // System.out.println("3");
      char character1 = sequenceArray[dimension1]

      char character2 = sequenceArray[dimension2]
      return costMatrix.getCost(character1, character2);

      Integer getWeight(LatticeNode tail, LatticeNode head) {
      // Extract the column represented by taking a single hop from 'tail' to
      // 'head':
      int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
      int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

      for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      if (tailCoordinates[i] + 1 == headCoordinates[i]) {
      column[i] = sequenceArray[i].charAt(tailCoordinates[i]);
      } else {
      column[i] = AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER;

      // Compute the hop cost as the sum of pairwise hops in any plane:
      int cost = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < column.length; ++i) {
      char character1 = column[i];

      for (int j = i + 1; j < column.length; ++j) {
      char character2 = column[j];

      if (character1 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
      if (character2 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
      cost += costMatrix.getCost(character1, character2);
      } else {
      cost += gapPenalty;
      } else {
      // character1 IS the gap character:
      if (character2 != AminoAcidAlphabet.GAP_CHARACTER) {
      cost += gapPenalty;
      } else {
      // Do nothing since we have a pair (gap, gap).

      return cost;

      String getSequenceArray() {
      return sequenceArray;

      private Alignment tracebackPath(Map<LatticeNode, LatticeNode> parents,
      Integer cost) {
      List<LatticeNode> path = new ArrayList<>();
      LatticeNode node = getTargetNode();

      while (node != null) {
      node = parents.get(node);


      String strings = new String[getSequenceArray().length];
      StringBuilder stringBuilders = new StringBuilder[strings.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < stringBuilders.length; ++i) {
      stringBuilders[i] = new StringBuilder();

      for (int i = 1; i < path.size(); ++i) {
      LatticeNode tail = path.get(i - 1);
      LatticeNode head = path.get(i);

      int tailCoordinates = tail.getCoordinates();
      int headCoordinates = head.getCoordinates();

      for (int j = 0; j < tailCoordinates.length; ++j) {
      if (tailCoordinates[j] != headCoordinates[j]) {
      } else {

      for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
      strings[i] = stringBuilders[i].toString();

      return new Alignment(strings, cost);

      private String checkIsValidGenomicSequence(String string) {
      Set<Character> characterSet =

      for (char c : string.toCharArray()) {
      if (!characterSet.contains(c)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown amino acid: " + c);

      return string;

      private static final class LatticeNodeHolder
      implements Comparable<LatticeNodeHolder> {

      private final Integer fScore;
      private final LatticeNode node;

      LatticeNodeHolder(LatticeNode node, Integer fScore) {
      this.fScore = fScore;
      this.node = node;

      LatticeNode getNode() {
      return node;

      public int compareTo(LatticeNodeHolder o) {
      return, o.fScore);


      import java.awt.Point;
      import java.util.HashSet;
      import java.util.PriorityQueue;
      import java.util.Queue;
      import java.util.Set;

      final class HeuristicFunctionComputer {

      HeuristicFunction computeHeuristicFunction(
      MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
      String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
      HeuristicFunction heuristicFunction = new HeuristicFunction(instance);

      for (int dimension1 = 0;
      dimension1 < sequenceArray.length;
      dimension1++) {
      for (int dimension2 = dimension1 + 1;
      dimension2 < sequenceArray.length;
      dimension2++) {

      return heuristicFunction;

      // Basically, this method runs Dijkstra backwards from the target node until
      // the entire 2D-grid is explored.
      private void loadPartialHeuristicFunction(
      HeuristicFunction heuristicFunction,
      int dimension1,
      int dimension2,
      MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
      LatticeNode target = instance.getTargetNode();
      Queue<LatticeNodeHolder> open = new PriorityQueue<>();
      Set<LatticeNode> closed = new HashSet<>();
      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(target, 0));
      Point point = new Point();

      while (!open.isEmpty()) {
      LatticeNodeHolder currentNodeHolder = open.remove();
      LatticeNode currentNode = currentNodeHolder.getLatticeNode();

      if (closed.contains(currentNode)) {


      Integer currentNodeCost = currentNodeHolder.getCost();
      extractPoint(point, currentNode, dimension1, dimension2);
      new Point(point),

      for (LatticeNode parent : currentNode.getParents()) {
      if (closed.contains(parent)) {

      int tentativeCost =
      currentNodeCost + instance.getWeight(parent,
      extractPoint(point, parent, dimension1, dimension2);

      if (!heuristicFunction.containsPartial(dimension1,
      || heuristicFunction.getPartial(dimension1,
      > tentativeCost) {
      open.add(new LatticeNodeHolder(parent, tentativeCost));

      private static void extractPoint(Point point,
      LatticeNode latticeNode,
      int i,
      int j) {
      int coordinates = latticeNode.getCoordinates();
      point.x = coordinates[i];
      point.y = coordinates[j];

      private static final class LatticeNodeHolder
      implements Comparable<LatticeNodeHolder> {

      private final LatticeNode node;
      private final Integer cost;

      LatticeNodeHolder(LatticeNode node, Integer cost) {
      this.node = node;
      this.cost = cost;

      LatticeNode getLatticeNode() {
      return node;

      Integer getCost() {
      return cost;

      public int compareTo(LatticeNodeHolder o) {
      return, o.cost);


      import java.util.Arrays;

      final class LatticeNode {

      * The problem instance this lattice node contributes to.
      private final MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance;

      * The coordinates of this node in the entire lattice.
      private final int coordinates;

      LatticeNode(MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance, int coordinates) {
      this.instance = instance;
      this.coordinates = coordinates;

      public boolean equals(Object o) {
      return Arrays.equals(coordinates, ((LatticeNode) o).coordinates);

      // Generated by NetBeans 8.1:
      public int hashCode() {
      int hash = 7;
      hash = 41 * hash + Arrays.hashCode(this.coordinates);
      return hash;

      public String toString() {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
      String separator = "";

      for (int coordinate : coordinates) {
      separator = ", ";

      return sb.append("]").toString();

      LatticeNode getChildren() {
      // Find out in how many dimension we can move forward:
      int dimensionsNotReached = 0;
      String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
      boolean inclusionMap = new boolean[coordinates.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      if (coordinates[i] < sequenceArray[i].length()) {
      // We can make a step forward in the direction of ith dimension:
      inclusionMap[i] = true;

      // Create the array of children:
      int numberOfChildren = pow2(dimensionsNotReached) - 1;
      LatticeNode children = new LatticeNode[numberOfChildren];
      loadChildren(children, inclusionMap);

      // Convert offsets to actual child coordinates:
      for (LatticeNode child : children) {

      return children;

      LatticeNode getParents() {
      // Find out in how many dimensions we can move BACKward:
      int dimensionsNotReached = 0;
      String sequenceArray = instance.getSequenceArray();
      boolean inclusionMap = new boolean[coordinates.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < sequenceArray.length; ++i) {
      if (coordinates[i] > 0) {
      // We can make a step backwards in the direction of ith
      // dimension:
      inclusionMap[i] = true;

      // Create the array of parents:
      int numberOfParents = pow2(dimensionsNotReached) - 1;
      LatticeNode parents = new LatticeNode[numberOfParents];
      loadParents(parents, inclusionMap);

      // Convert the offsets to actual parent coordinates:
      for (LatticeNode parent : parents) {

      return parents;

      int getCoordinates() {
      return coordinates;

      private void loadChildren(LatticeNode children, boolean inclusionMap) {
      int coords = new int[this.coordinates.length];

      for (int i = 0; i != children.length; ++i) {
      increment(coords, inclusionMap);
      children[i] = new LatticeNode(instance, coords.clone());

      private void loadParents(LatticeNode parents, boolean inclusionMap) {
      int coords = new int[this.coordinates.length];

      for (int i = 0; i != parents.length; ++i) {
      decrement(coords, inclusionMap);
      parents[i] = new LatticeNode(instance, coords.clone());

      private static void increment(int coordinates, boolean inclusionMap) {
      for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
      if (!inclusionMap[i]) {

      if (coordinates[i] == 0) {
      coordinates[i] = 1;

      coordinates[i] = 0;

      private static void decrement(int coordinates, boolean inclusionMap) {
      for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
      if (!inclusionMap[i]) {

      if (coordinates[i] == 0) {
      coordinates[i] = -1;

      coordinates[i] = 0;

      private void addOffsets(int offsets) {
      for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; ++i) {
      coordinates[i] += offsets[i];

      private static int pow2(int exponent) {
      int ret = 1;

      for (int e = 0; e < exponent; ++e) {
      ret *= 2;

      return ret;


      import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.Map;

      public final class PAM250CostMatrix implements CostMatrix<Integer> {

      private static PAM250CostMatrix instance;

      private final Map<Character, Map<Character, Integer>> m = new HashMap<>();

      public static PAM250CostMatrix getPAM250CostMatrix() {
      if (instance == null) {
      instance = new PAM250CostMatrix();

      return instance;

      private PAM250CostMatrix() {
      AminoAcidAlphabet alphabet = AminoAcidAlphabet.getAminoAcidAlphabet();

      alphabet.getCharacterSet().stream().forEach((character) -> {
      m.put(character, new HashMap<>());

      m.get('A').put('A', -2);
      m.get('R').put('A', 2);
      m.get('A').put('R', 2);
      m.get('R').put('R', -6);
      m.get('N').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('N', 0);
      m.get('N').put('R', 0);
      m.get('R').put('N', 0);
      m.get('N').put('N', -2);
      m.get('D').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('D', 0);
      m.get('D').put('R', 1);
      m.get('R').put('D', 1);
      m.get('D').put('N', -2);
      m.get('N').put('D', -2);
      m.get('D').put('D', -4);
      m.get('C').put('A', 2);
      m.get('A').put('C', 2);
      m.get('C').put('R', 4);
      m.get('R').put('C', 4);
      m.get('C').put('N', 4);
      m.get('N').put('C', 4);
      m.get('C').put('D', 5);
      m.get('D').put('C', 5);
      m.get('C').put('C', -4);
      m.get('Q').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('Q', 0);
      m.get('Q').put('R', -1);
      m.get('R').put('Q', -1);
      m.get('Q').put('N', -1);
      m.get('N').put('Q', -1);
      m.get('Q').put('D', -2);
      m.get('D').put('Q', -2);
      m.get('Q').put('C', 5);
      m.get('C').put('Q', 5);
      m.get('Q').put('Q', -4);
      m.get('E').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('E', 0);
      m.get('E').put('R', 1);
      m.get('R').put('E', 1);
      m.get('E').put('N', -1);
      m.get('N').put('E', -1);
      m.get('E').put('D', -3);
      m.get('D').put('E', -3);
      m.get('E').put('C', 5);
      m.get('C').put('E', 5);
      m.get('E').put('Q', -2);
      m.get('Q').put('E', -2);
      m.get('E').put('E', -4);
      m.get('G').put('A', -1);
      m.get('A').put('G', -1);
      m.get('G').put('R', 3);
      m.get('R').put('G', 3);
      m.get('G').put('N', 0);
      m.get('N').put('G', 0);
      m.get('G').put('D', -1);
      m.get('D').put('G', -1);
      m.get('G').put('C', 3);
      m.get('C').put('G', 3);
      m.get('G').put('Q', 1);
      m.get('Q').put('G', 1);
      m.get('G').put('E', 0);
      m.get('E').put('G', 0);
      m.get('G').put('G', -5);
      m.get('H').put('A', 1);
      m.get('A').put('H', 1);
      m.get('H').put('R', -2);
      m.get('R').put('H', -2);
      m.get('H').put('N', -2);
      m.get('N').put('H', -2);
      m.get('H').put('D', -1);
      m.get('D').put('H', -1);
      m.get('H').put('C', 3);
      m.get('C').put('H', 3);
      m.get('H').put('Q', -3);
      m.get('Q').put('H', -3);
      m.get('H').put('E', -1);
      m.get('E').put('H', -1);
      m.get('H').put('G', 2);
      m.get('G').put('H', 2);
      m.get('H').put('H', -6);
      m.get('I').put('A', 1);
      m.get('A').put('I', 1);
      m.get('I').put('R', 2);
      m.get('R').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('N', 2);
      m.get('N').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('D', 2);
      m.get('D').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('C', 2);
      m.get('C').put('I', 2);
      m.get('I').put('Q', 2);
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      m.get('R').put('T', 1);
      m.get('T').put('N', 0);
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      m.get('T').put('I', 0);
      m.get('I').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('L', 2);
      m.get('L').put('T', 2);
      m.get('T').put('K', 0);
      m.get('K').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('M', 1);
      m.get('M').put('T', 1);
      m.get('T').put('F', 2);
      m.get('F').put('T', 2);
      m.get('T').put('P', 0);
      m.get('P').put('T', 0);
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      m.get('I').put('W', 5);
      m.get('W').put('L', 2);
      m.get('L').put('W', 2);
      m.get('W').put('K', 3);
      m.get('K').put('W', 3);
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      m.get('R').put('Y', 4);
      m.get('Y').put('N', 2);
      m.get('N').put('Y', 2);
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      m.get('D').put('Y', 4);
      m.get('Y').put('C', 0);
      m.get('C').put('Y', 0);
      m.get('Y').put('Q', 4);
      m.get('Q').put('Y', 4);
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      m.get('G').put('Y', 5);
      m.get('Y').put('H', 0);
      m.get('H').put('Y', 0);
      m.get('Y').put('I', 1);
      m.get('I').put('Y', 1);
      m.get('Y').put('L', 1);
      m.get('L').put('Y', 1);
      m.get('Y').put('K', 4);
      m.get('K').put('Y', 4);
      m.get('Y').put('M', 2);
      m.get('M').put('Y', 2);
      m.get('Y').put('F', -7);
      m.get('F').put('Y', -7);
      m.get('Y').put('P', 5);
      m.get('P').put('Y', 5);
      m.get('Y').put('S', 3);
      m.get('S').put('Y', 3);
      m.get('Y').put('T', 3);
      m.get('T').put('Y', 3);
      m.get('Y').put('W', 0);
      m.get('W').put('Y', 0);
      m.get('Y').put('Y', -10);
      m.get('V').put('A', 0);
      m.get('A').put('V', 0);
      m.get('V').put('R', 2);
      m.get('R').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('N', 2);
      m.get('N').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('D', 2);
      m.get('D').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('C', 2);
      m.get('C').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('Q', 2);
      m.get('Q').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('E', 2);
      m.get('E').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('G', 1);
      m.get('G').put('V', 1);
      m.get('V').put('H', 2);
      m.get('H').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('I', -4);
      m.get('I').put('V', -4);
      m.get('V').put('L', -2);
      m.get('L').put('V', -2);
      m.get('V').put('K', 2);
      m.get('K').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('M', -2);
      m.get('M').put('V', -2);
      m.get('V').put('F', 1);
      m.get('F').put('V', 1);
      m.get('V').put('P', 1);
      m.get('P').put('V', 1);
      m.get('V').put('S', 1);
      m.get('S').put('V', 1);
      m.get('V').put('T', 0);
      m.get('T').put('V', 0);
      m.get('V').put('W', 6);
      m.get('W').put('V', 6);
      m.get('V').put('Y', 2);
      m.get('Y').put('V', 2);
      m.get('V').put('V', -4);

      public Integer getCost(Character aminoAcidChar1, Character aminoAcidChar2) {
      try {
      return m.get(aminoAcidChar1).get(aminoAcidChar2);
      } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad arguments: (" +
      aminoAcidChar1 + ", " + aminoAcidChar2 + ")",


      import java.util.Collections;
      import java.util.HashSet;
      import java.util.Set;

      public final class AminoAcidAlphabet {

      public static final Character GAP_CHARACTER = '-';
      private static AminoAcidAlphabet instance;

      private final Set<Character> alphabet = new HashSet<>();

      public static AminoAcidAlphabet getAminoAcidAlphabet() {
      if (instance == null) {
      instance = new AminoAcidAlphabet();

      return instance;

      private AminoAcidAlphabet() {
      String aminoAcids = "ACDEF" +
      "GHIKL" +
      "MNPQR" +

      for (char c : aminoAcids.toCharArray()) {

      public Set<Character> getCharacterSet() {
      return Collections.<Character>unmodifiableSet(alphabet);


      public class Alignment {

      private final String alignment;
      private final int cost;

      Alignment(String alignment, int cost) {
      this.alignment = alignment;
      this.cost = cost;

      public String getAlignemnt() {
      return alignment;

      public int getCost() {
      return cost;

      public String toString() {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      String separator = "";

      for (String row : alignment) {
      separator = "n";

      sb.append("nCost: ").append(cost);
      return sb.toString();


      public interface CostMatrix<C> {

      public C getCost(Character aminoAcidChar1, Character aminoAcidChar2);


      import java.awt.Point;
      import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.Map;

      final class HeuristicFunction {

      private final Map<Point, Integer> matrix;

      HeuristicFunction(MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance) {
      int sequences = instance.getSequenceArray().length;
      this.matrix = new Map[sequences];

      for (int i = 0; i < sequences; ++i) {
      this.matrix[i] = new Map[sequences];

      for (int j = i + 1; j < sequences; ++j) {
      this.matrix[i][j] = new HashMap<>();

      void put(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point, Integer cost) {
      matrix[dimension1][dimension2].put(point, cost);

      boolean containsPartial(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point) {
      return matrix[dimension1][dimension2].containsKey(point);

      Integer getPartial(int dimension1, int dimension2, Point point) {
      return matrix[dimension1][dimension2].get(point);

      Integer get(LatticeNode node) {
      int cost = 0;
      int coordinates = node.getCoordinates();
      Point point = new Point();

      for (int dimension1 = 0;
      dimension1 < coordinates.length;
      dimension1++) {
      point.x = dimension1;

      for (int dimension2 = dimension1 + 1;
      dimension2 < coordinates.length;
      dimension2++) {
      point.y = dimension2;
      cost += matrix[dimension1][dimension2].get(point);

      return cost;


      final class App {

      private static final String SEQUENCES = {

      public static void main(String args) {
      MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance instance =
      new MultipleSequenceAlignmentInstance(

      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      Alignment alignment1 = instance.align();
      long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println(end - start + " ms.");

      start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      Alignment alignment2 = instance.alignBrute();
      end = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println(end - start + " ms.");


      The output for the demo is

      Computed heuristic function in 1003 milliseconds.
      Cost: 53
      1126 ms.

      Cost: 53
      60 ms.

      Critique request

      As always, please tell me anything that comes to mind.

      java algorithm bioinformatics

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Apr 16 '17 at 15:05




          1 Answer





          In AminoAcidAlphabet:

          • getCharacterSet always return same set, but you always create new instance.

          In PAM250CostMatrix

          • in constructor you can extract method to write add('A', 'A', -2) instead of m.get('A').put('A', -2)

          In LatticeNode

          • you can make hashCode simply do return Arrays.hashCode(this.coordinates);

          share|improve this answer

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            1 Answer




            1 Answer











            In AminoAcidAlphabet:

            • getCharacterSet always return same set, but you always create new instance.

            In PAM250CostMatrix

            • in constructor you can extract method to write add('A', 'A', -2) instead of m.get('A').put('A', -2)

            In LatticeNode

            • you can make hashCode simply do return Arrays.hashCode(this.coordinates);

            share|improve this answer


              In AminoAcidAlphabet:

              • getCharacterSet always return same set, but you always create new instance.

              In PAM250CostMatrix

              • in constructor you can extract method to write add('A', 'A', -2) instead of m.get('A').put('A', -2)

              In LatticeNode

              • you can make hashCode simply do return Arrays.hashCode(this.coordinates);

              share|improve this answer




                In AminoAcidAlphabet:

                • getCharacterSet always return same set, but you always create new instance.

                In PAM250CostMatrix

                • in constructor you can extract method to write add('A', 'A', -2) instead of m.get('A').put('A', -2)

                In LatticeNode

                • you can make hashCode simply do return Arrays.hashCode(this.coordinates);

                share|improve this answer

                In AminoAcidAlphabet:

                • getCharacterSet always return same set, but you always create new instance.

                In PAM250CostMatrix

                • in constructor you can extract method to write add('A', 'A', -2) instead of m.get('A').put('A', -2)

                In LatticeNode

                • you can make hashCode simply do return Arrays.hashCode(this.coordinates);

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered 17 hours ago




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