jQuery plugin linked with dataTable



I have no problem, but I would like some advice:

I've read some help to do some jQuery plugin, and I just did my first one. This plugin helps to generate dynamic datatable:

  • Autofill the table with some JSON data using the plugin datatable

  • Create a form to add new lines

  • Create some trigger click on the line => display a form to modify

  • Create a trigger for sending form => add or modify a line

All works fine! But because of my first jQuery plugin, I would like some advice to optimize it, and make it as clean as possible. Is there a better way to do it?

Here is my plugin:

(function($) {
var PLUGIN_NS = 'dataTableAuto';

var Plugin = function ( target, options ) {
this.$T = $(target);
this._init( target, options );
return this;

/** #### OPTIONS #### */
this.options= $.extend(
true, {
DEBUG: false

/* Init */
Plugin.prototype._init = function ( target, options ) {
this.field = $(target).attr("id").split("_")[1];

/* some default values are generated with the table id, but can be changed if needed */
defaultAutoOptions = {
tableName: "table_" + this.field,
formClassName: "form_" + this.field,
jsonFile: "/json/json_" + this.field + ".json",
submitEvtFct: this._submitEvtFct,
clickEvtFct: this._clickEvtFct,
dispFormAjax: false, /* click on the line will change it by a form or make any ajax call to get form if needed */
formAdd: true, /* add some lines allowed */
titreFormNew: ""
this.options = $.extend(defaultAutoOptions, Plugin.defaults, options);
if (this.options.formAdd && $("#formNew_" + this.field).length == 0)
this.dataTableAuto = this._dataTableAuto(target);

return this;

/* Default val */
Plugin.defaults = {
events: function(_, callback){ callback() }

/* Auto create the form to add some lines */
Plugin.prototype._createFormAdd = function ( target ) {
var _form = "<form id='formNew_" + this.field + "' class='" + this.options.formClassName + " preventDblClick' method='post'>";
_form += "<h2>" + this.options.titreFormNew + "</h2>";
$(" > thead > tr th", $(this.$T)).each(function(index) {
var attr = $(this).attr("id");
if (typeof attr !== typeof undefined && attr !== false && attr != "col_actions")
_form += "<label>" + $(this).html() + "<br /><input type='text' name='" + attr.split("_")[1] + "' maxlength='" + $(this).data("maxlength") + "' /></label>";
_form += "<input type='submit' value='Enregistrer' />";
_form += "</form>";

/* Init the datatable */
Plugin.prototype._dataTableAuto = function ( target, options ) {
var _this = this;
var infosTable = this._getInfosColumn(target);
return tableDT = $(this.$T).DataTable({
"ajax": {
'type': 'GET',
'url': this.options.jsonFile,
'data': function ( d ) {
destroy: true,
info: false,
rowId: "lineID",
'columnDefs': infosTable.listColumnDef,
"columns": infosTable.listColumn,
'paging' : false,
"searching": false,
"initComplete": function( settings, json ) {
if (typeof json['eval']!='undefined'){
createdRow: function( row, data, dataIndex ) {
_this._setClickableRow(target, row);

/* get column data used for datatable */
Plugin.prototype._getInfosColumn = function ( target) {
listColumn = ;
listColumnDef = ;
attr = $(" > thead > tr th:first-child", $(target[0])).attr("id");
if (typeof attr === typeof undefined || attr === false) {
listColumn.push({ "data": "control" });
listColumnDef.push({ className: 'control', targets: 0 });
$(" > thead > tr th", $(target[0])).each(function(index) {
if ($(this).attr("id") != undefined) {
listColumnDef.push({ responsivePriority: $(this).attr("id") == "col_buttons" ? 1 : index, targets: index});
if ($(this).hasClass("isDate"))
{ "data": $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1],
render: function ( data, type, row ) {
return (data.split("-").length == 3 ? moment(data).format("DD/MM/YYYY") : data);
listColumn.push({ "data": $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1] })
return {listColumnDef: listColumnDef, listColumn: listColumn};

/* On which row add a trigger onclick */
Plugin.prototype._setClickableRow = function (target, row) {
$(" > thead > tr th", $(target[0])).each(function(index) {
if ($(this).hasClass("clickable")) {
$("td:eq(" + index + ")", row).addClass('clickable');
if ($(this).attr("id") != undefined)
$("td:eq(" + index + ")", row).addClass($(this).attr("id").split("_")[1]);

/* trigger onclick */
Plugin.prototype._clickEvtFct = function ( target, options) {
$(target.$T).on("click", "tr td.clickable, .btDelete", function() {
/* Click on a cell => aff a form to modify */
if ($(this).hasClass("clickable")) {
var theRowObject = target.dataTableAuto.row($(this).closest('tr'));
/* Get the form with ajax request */
if (target.options.dispFormAjax) {
$.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, {
command: "modLigne",
lineID: lineID
.done(function( data ) {
data = data.data[0];
/* Not update again the line if the form is displayed */
$("tr#" + data.lineID + " td.clickable").addClass("pausedClick").removeClass("clickable");
/* auto create the form */
else {
temp = theRowObject.data();
var affForm = true;
var tr = $(this).closest("tr");
var lineID = tr.attr("id").split("_")[1];
$.each(temp, function(item, value) {
var maxLength = $(" > thead > tr th#col_" + item, $(target.$T)).data("maxlength");
if (item != "lineID" && item != "control")
if (item == "actions")
temp[item] = "<button form='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "'>OK</button>";
else if (affForm) {
temp[item] = "<form name='formMod' id='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "' class='form_" + target.field + "'><input type='text' name='" + item + "' value='" + value + "' maxlength='" + maxLength + "' /></form>";
affForm = false;
temp[item] = "<input type='text' name='" + item + "' value='" + value + "' form='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "' maxlength='" + maxLength + "' />";
$("td.clickable", tr).addClass("pausedClick").removeClass("clickable");
/* bouton to delete the line */
else if ($(this).hasClass("btDelete")) {
var goAction = true;
var tr = $(this).closest("tr");
var lineID = tr.attr("id").split("_")[1];
if(typeof $(this).data("message")!='undefined' && !confirm($(this).data("message")))
return false;
$.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, {command: 'suppLine', lineID: lineID})
.done(function( datas ) {
/* Actions to do when succeed */
if (datas.success)
target.dataTableAuto.row('#' + tr.attr("id")).remove().draw();

/* trigger submit form to add or update line */
Plugin.prototype._submitEvtFct = function ( target) {
$("body").on("submit", "form." + target.options.formClassName, function(e) {
$.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, $(this).serialize() + "&command=saveData&lineID=" + ($(this).closest("tr").length > 0 ? $(this).closest("tr").attr("id").split("_")[1] : 0))
.done(function( datas ) {
data = datas.data[0];
var _tr = $("tr#" + data.lineID);
if (_tr.length > 0) {
target.dataTableAuto.row($("tr#" + data.lineID).index()).data(data).draw();
/* Autorize the click for display one more time the update form */
$("tr#" + data.lineID + " td.pausedClick").addClass("clickable").removeClass("pausedClick");
else {
target.dataTableAuto.row.add( data ).node().id = data.lineID;
if(typeof datas['eval']!='undefined')eval(datas['eval']);

Plugin.prototype.DWARN = function () {
this.DEBUG && console.warn( arguments );

$.fn[ PLUGIN_NS ] = function( methodOrOptions ) {
if (!$(this).length) {
return $(this);
var instance = $(this).data(PLUGIN_NS);

if ( instance
&& methodOrOptions.indexOf('_') != 0
&& instance[ methodOrOptions ]
&& typeof( instance[ methodOrOptions ] ) == 'function' ) {

return instance[ methodOrOptions ](this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );

} else if ( typeof methodOrOptions === 'object' || ! methodOrOptions ) {

return this.each(function() {
instance = new Plugin( $(this), methodOrOptions );
$(this).data( PLUGIN_NS, instance );

// CASE: method called before init
} else if ( !instance ) {
$.error( 'Plugin must be initialised before using method: ' + methodOrOptions );

// CASE: invalid method
} else if ( methodOrOptions.indexOf('_') == 0 ) {
$.error( 'Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' is private!' );
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' does not exist.' );


The HTML code can be:

    <table id="table_categorie">
<th id="col_categorieCode" class="clickable" data-maxlength="10">Code</th>
<th id="col_categorieLib" class="clickable" data-maxlength="100">libellé</th>
<th id="col_actions"></th>

I call my plugin by the line:

var tableCategorie = $("table#table_categorie").dataTableAuto({titreFormNew: "New category"});

And the JSON will return this data, for example:

"data": [

"control": "",
"lineID": "categorie_1",
"categorieClientCode": "123",
"categorieClientLib": "categorie 1",
"codeCompta": "",
"actions": "<button class="btSupp" data-message="Are you sure to delete this categorie ?"></button>"
"control": "",
"lineID": "categorie_2",
"categorieClientCode": "124",
"categorieClientLib": "categorie 2",
"codeCompta": "",
"actions": "<button class="btSupp" data-toggle="tootltip" data-placement="top" data-message="Are you sure to delete this categorie ?"></button>"

And when I delete a line, it return after delete the line in the database:

{"success":"true","msg":"the line was deleted"}

share|improve this question




    I have no problem, but I would like some advice:

    I've read some help to do some jQuery plugin, and I just did my first one. This plugin helps to generate dynamic datatable:

    • Autofill the table with some JSON data using the plugin datatable

    • Create a form to add new lines

    • Create some trigger click on the line => display a form to modify

    • Create a trigger for sending form => add or modify a line

    All works fine! But because of my first jQuery plugin, I would like some advice to optimize it, and make it as clean as possible. Is there a better way to do it?

    Here is my plugin:

    (function($) {
    var PLUGIN_NS = 'dataTableAuto';

    var Plugin = function ( target, options ) {
    this.$T = $(target);
    this._init( target, options );
    return this;

    /** #### OPTIONS #### */
    this.options= $.extend(
    true, {
    DEBUG: false

    /* Init */
    Plugin.prototype._init = function ( target, options ) {
    this.field = $(target).attr("id").split("_")[1];

    /* some default values are generated with the table id, but can be changed if needed */
    defaultAutoOptions = {
    tableName: "table_" + this.field,
    formClassName: "form_" + this.field,
    jsonFile: "/json/json_" + this.field + ".json",
    submitEvtFct: this._submitEvtFct,
    clickEvtFct: this._clickEvtFct,
    dispFormAjax: false, /* click on the line will change it by a form or make any ajax call to get form if needed */
    formAdd: true, /* add some lines allowed */
    titreFormNew: ""
    this.options = $.extend(defaultAutoOptions, Plugin.defaults, options);
    if (this.options.formAdd && $("#formNew_" + this.field).length == 0)
    this.dataTableAuto = this._dataTableAuto(target);

    return this;

    /* Default val */
    Plugin.defaults = {
    events: function(_, callback){ callback() }

    /* Auto create the form to add some lines */
    Plugin.prototype._createFormAdd = function ( target ) {
    var _form = "<form id='formNew_" + this.field + "' class='" + this.options.formClassName + " preventDblClick' method='post'>";
    _form += "<h2>" + this.options.titreFormNew + "</h2>";
    $(" > thead > tr th", $(this.$T)).each(function(index) {
    var attr = $(this).attr("id");
    if (typeof attr !== typeof undefined && attr !== false && attr != "col_actions")
    _form += "<label>" + $(this).html() + "<br /><input type='text' name='" + attr.split("_")[1] + "' maxlength='" + $(this).data("maxlength") + "' /></label>";
    _form += "<input type='submit' value='Enregistrer' />";
    _form += "</form>";

    /* Init the datatable */
    Plugin.prototype._dataTableAuto = function ( target, options ) {
    var _this = this;
    var infosTable = this._getInfosColumn(target);
    return tableDT = $(this.$T).DataTable({
    "ajax": {
    'type': 'GET',
    'url': this.options.jsonFile,
    'data': function ( d ) {
    destroy: true,
    info: false,
    rowId: "lineID",
    'columnDefs': infosTable.listColumnDef,
    "columns": infosTable.listColumn,
    'paging' : false,
    "searching": false,
    "initComplete": function( settings, json ) {
    if (typeof json['eval']!='undefined'){
    createdRow: function( row, data, dataIndex ) {
    _this._setClickableRow(target, row);

    /* get column data used for datatable */
    Plugin.prototype._getInfosColumn = function ( target) {
    listColumn = ;
    listColumnDef = ;
    attr = $(" > thead > tr th:first-child", $(target[0])).attr("id");
    if (typeof attr === typeof undefined || attr === false) {
    listColumn.push({ "data": "control" });
    listColumnDef.push({ className: 'control', targets: 0 });
    $(" > thead > tr th", $(target[0])).each(function(index) {
    if ($(this).attr("id") != undefined) {
    listColumnDef.push({ responsivePriority: $(this).attr("id") == "col_buttons" ? 1 : index, targets: index});
    if ($(this).hasClass("isDate"))
    { "data": $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1],
    render: function ( data, type, row ) {
    return (data.split("-").length == 3 ? moment(data).format("DD/MM/YYYY") : data);
    listColumn.push({ "data": $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1] })
    return {listColumnDef: listColumnDef, listColumn: listColumn};

    /* On which row add a trigger onclick */
    Plugin.prototype._setClickableRow = function (target, row) {
    $(" > thead > tr th", $(target[0])).each(function(index) {
    if ($(this).hasClass("clickable")) {
    $("td:eq(" + index + ")", row).addClass('clickable');
    if ($(this).attr("id") != undefined)
    $("td:eq(" + index + ")", row).addClass($(this).attr("id").split("_")[1]);

    /* trigger onclick */
    Plugin.prototype._clickEvtFct = function ( target, options) {
    $(target.$T).on("click", "tr td.clickable, .btDelete", function() {
    /* Click on a cell => aff a form to modify */
    if ($(this).hasClass("clickable")) {
    var theRowObject = target.dataTableAuto.row($(this).closest('tr'));
    /* Get the form with ajax request */
    if (target.options.dispFormAjax) {
    $.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, {
    command: "modLigne",
    lineID: lineID
    .done(function( data ) {
    data = data.data[0];
    /* Not update again the line if the form is displayed */
    $("tr#" + data.lineID + " td.clickable").addClass("pausedClick").removeClass("clickable");
    /* auto create the form */
    else {
    temp = theRowObject.data();
    var affForm = true;
    var tr = $(this).closest("tr");
    var lineID = tr.attr("id").split("_")[1];
    $.each(temp, function(item, value) {
    var maxLength = $(" > thead > tr th#col_" + item, $(target.$T)).data("maxlength");
    if (item != "lineID" && item != "control")
    if (item == "actions")
    temp[item] = "<button form='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "'>OK</button>";
    else if (affForm) {
    temp[item] = "<form name='formMod' id='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "' class='form_" + target.field + "'><input type='text' name='" + item + "' value='" + value + "' maxlength='" + maxLength + "' /></form>";
    affForm = false;
    temp[item] = "<input type='text' name='" + item + "' value='" + value + "' form='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "' maxlength='" + maxLength + "' />";
    $("td.clickable", tr).addClass("pausedClick").removeClass("clickable");
    /* bouton to delete the line */
    else if ($(this).hasClass("btDelete")) {
    var goAction = true;
    var tr = $(this).closest("tr");
    var lineID = tr.attr("id").split("_")[1];
    if(typeof $(this).data("message")!='undefined' && !confirm($(this).data("message")))
    return false;
    $.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, {command: 'suppLine', lineID: lineID})
    .done(function( datas ) {
    /* Actions to do when succeed */
    if (datas.success)
    target.dataTableAuto.row('#' + tr.attr("id")).remove().draw();

    /* trigger submit form to add or update line */
    Plugin.prototype._submitEvtFct = function ( target) {
    $("body").on("submit", "form." + target.options.formClassName, function(e) {
    $.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, $(this).serialize() + "&command=saveData&lineID=" + ($(this).closest("tr").length > 0 ? $(this).closest("tr").attr("id").split("_")[1] : 0))
    .done(function( datas ) {
    data = datas.data[0];
    var _tr = $("tr#" + data.lineID);
    if (_tr.length > 0) {
    target.dataTableAuto.row($("tr#" + data.lineID).index()).data(data).draw();
    /* Autorize the click for display one more time the update form */
    $("tr#" + data.lineID + " td.pausedClick").addClass("clickable").removeClass("pausedClick");
    else {
    target.dataTableAuto.row.add( data ).node().id = data.lineID;
    if(typeof datas['eval']!='undefined')eval(datas['eval']);

    Plugin.prototype.DWARN = function () {
    this.DEBUG && console.warn( arguments );

    $.fn[ PLUGIN_NS ] = function( methodOrOptions ) {
    if (!$(this).length) {
    return $(this);
    var instance = $(this).data(PLUGIN_NS);

    if ( instance
    && methodOrOptions.indexOf('_') != 0
    && instance[ methodOrOptions ]
    && typeof( instance[ methodOrOptions ] ) == 'function' ) {

    return instance[ methodOrOptions ](this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );

    } else if ( typeof methodOrOptions === 'object' || ! methodOrOptions ) {

    return this.each(function() {
    instance = new Plugin( $(this), methodOrOptions );
    $(this).data( PLUGIN_NS, instance );

    // CASE: method called before init
    } else if ( !instance ) {
    $.error( 'Plugin must be initialised before using method: ' + methodOrOptions );

    // CASE: invalid method
    } else if ( methodOrOptions.indexOf('_') == 0 ) {
    $.error( 'Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' is private!' );
    } else {
    $.error( 'Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' does not exist.' );


    The HTML code can be:

        <table id="table_categorie">
    <th id="col_categorieCode" class="clickable" data-maxlength="10">Code</th>
    <th id="col_categorieLib" class="clickable" data-maxlength="100">libellé</th>
    <th id="col_actions"></th>

    I call my plugin by the line:

    var tableCategorie = $("table#table_categorie").dataTableAuto({titreFormNew: "New category"});

    And the JSON will return this data, for example:

    "data": [

    "control": "",
    "lineID": "categorie_1",
    "categorieClientCode": "123",
    "categorieClientLib": "categorie 1",
    "codeCompta": "",
    "actions": "<button class="btSupp" data-message="Are you sure to delete this categorie ?"></button>"
    "control": "",
    "lineID": "categorie_2",
    "categorieClientCode": "124",
    "categorieClientLib": "categorie 2",
    "codeCompta": "",
    "actions": "<button class="btSupp" data-toggle="tootltip" data-placement="top" data-message="Are you sure to delete this categorie ?"></button>"

    And when I delete a line, it return after delete the line in the database:

    {"success":"true","msg":"the line was deleted"}

    share|improve this question






      I have no problem, but I would like some advice:

      I've read some help to do some jQuery plugin, and I just did my first one. This plugin helps to generate dynamic datatable:

      • Autofill the table with some JSON data using the plugin datatable

      • Create a form to add new lines

      • Create some trigger click on the line => display a form to modify

      • Create a trigger for sending form => add or modify a line

      All works fine! But because of my first jQuery plugin, I would like some advice to optimize it, and make it as clean as possible. Is there a better way to do it?

      Here is my plugin:

      (function($) {
      var PLUGIN_NS = 'dataTableAuto';

      var Plugin = function ( target, options ) {
      this.$T = $(target);
      this._init( target, options );
      return this;

      /** #### OPTIONS #### */
      this.options= $.extend(
      true, {
      DEBUG: false

      /* Init */
      Plugin.prototype._init = function ( target, options ) {
      this.field = $(target).attr("id").split("_")[1];

      /* some default values are generated with the table id, but can be changed if needed */
      defaultAutoOptions = {
      tableName: "table_" + this.field,
      formClassName: "form_" + this.field,
      jsonFile: "/json/json_" + this.field + ".json",
      submitEvtFct: this._submitEvtFct,
      clickEvtFct: this._clickEvtFct,
      dispFormAjax: false, /* click on the line will change it by a form or make any ajax call to get form if needed */
      formAdd: true, /* add some lines allowed */
      titreFormNew: ""
      this.options = $.extend(defaultAutoOptions, Plugin.defaults, options);
      if (this.options.formAdd && $("#formNew_" + this.field).length == 0)
      this.dataTableAuto = this._dataTableAuto(target);

      return this;

      /* Default val */
      Plugin.defaults = {
      events: function(_, callback){ callback() }

      /* Auto create the form to add some lines */
      Plugin.prototype._createFormAdd = function ( target ) {
      var _form = "<form id='formNew_" + this.field + "' class='" + this.options.formClassName + " preventDblClick' method='post'>";
      _form += "<h2>" + this.options.titreFormNew + "</h2>";
      $(" > thead > tr th", $(this.$T)).each(function(index) {
      var attr = $(this).attr("id");
      if (typeof attr !== typeof undefined && attr !== false && attr != "col_actions")
      _form += "<label>" + $(this).html() + "<br /><input type='text' name='" + attr.split("_")[1] + "' maxlength='" + $(this).data("maxlength") + "' /></label>";
      _form += "<input type='submit' value='Enregistrer' />";
      _form += "</form>";

      /* Init the datatable */
      Plugin.prototype._dataTableAuto = function ( target, options ) {
      var _this = this;
      var infosTable = this._getInfosColumn(target);
      return tableDT = $(this.$T).DataTable({
      "ajax": {
      'type': 'GET',
      'url': this.options.jsonFile,
      'data': function ( d ) {
      destroy: true,
      info: false,
      rowId: "lineID",
      'columnDefs': infosTable.listColumnDef,
      "columns": infosTable.listColumn,
      'paging' : false,
      "searching": false,
      "initComplete": function( settings, json ) {
      if (typeof json['eval']!='undefined'){
      createdRow: function( row, data, dataIndex ) {
      _this._setClickableRow(target, row);

      /* get column data used for datatable */
      Plugin.prototype._getInfosColumn = function ( target) {
      listColumn = ;
      listColumnDef = ;
      attr = $(" > thead > tr th:first-child", $(target[0])).attr("id");
      if (typeof attr === typeof undefined || attr === false) {
      listColumn.push({ "data": "control" });
      listColumnDef.push({ className: 'control', targets: 0 });
      $(" > thead > tr th", $(target[0])).each(function(index) {
      if ($(this).attr("id") != undefined) {
      listColumnDef.push({ responsivePriority: $(this).attr("id") == "col_buttons" ? 1 : index, targets: index});
      if ($(this).hasClass("isDate"))
      { "data": $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1],
      render: function ( data, type, row ) {
      return (data.split("-").length == 3 ? moment(data).format("DD/MM/YYYY") : data);
      listColumn.push({ "data": $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1] })
      return {listColumnDef: listColumnDef, listColumn: listColumn};

      /* On which row add a trigger onclick */
      Plugin.prototype._setClickableRow = function (target, row) {
      $(" > thead > tr th", $(target[0])).each(function(index) {
      if ($(this).hasClass("clickable")) {
      $("td:eq(" + index + ")", row).addClass('clickable');
      if ($(this).attr("id") != undefined)
      $("td:eq(" + index + ")", row).addClass($(this).attr("id").split("_")[1]);

      /* trigger onclick */
      Plugin.prototype._clickEvtFct = function ( target, options) {
      $(target.$T).on("click", "tr td.clickable, .btDelete", function() {
      /* Click on a cell => aff a form to modify */
      if ($(this).hasClass("clickable")) {
      var theRowObject = target.dataTableAuto.row($(this).closest('tr'));
      /* Get the form with ajax request */
      if (target.options.dispFormAjax) {
      $.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, {
      command: "modLigne",
      lineID: lineID
      .done(function( data ) {
      data = data.data[0];
      /* Not update again the line if the form is displayed */
      $("tr#" + data.lineID + " td.clickable").addClass("pausedClick").removeClass("clickable");
      /* auto create the form */
      else {
      temp = theRowObject.data();
      var affForm = true;
      var tr = $(this).closest("tr");
      var lineID = tr.attr("id").split("_")[1];
      $.each(temp, function(item, value) {
      var maxLength = $(" > thead > tr th#col_" + item, $(target.$T)).data("maxlength");
      if (item != "lineID" && item != "control")
      if (item == "actions")
      temp[item] = "<button form='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "'>OK</button>";
      else if (affForm) {
      temp[item] = "<form name='formMod' id='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "' class='form_" + target.field + "'><input type='text' name='" + item + "' value='" + value + "' maxlength='" + maxLength + "' /></form>";
      affForm = false;
      temp[item] = "<input type='text' name='" + item + "' value='" + value + "' form='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "' maxlength='" + maxLength + "' />";
      $("td.clickable", tr).addClass("pausedClick").removeClass("clickable");
      /* bouton to delete the line */
      else if ($(this).hasClass("btDelete")) {
      var goAction = true;
      var tr = $(this).closest("tr");
      var lineID = tr.attr("id").split("_")[1];
      if(typeof $(this).data("message")!='undefined' && !confirm($(this).data("message")))
      return false;
      $.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, {command: 'suppLine', lineID: lineID})
      .done(function( datas ) {
      /* Actions to do when succeed */
      if (datas.success)
      target.dataTableAuto.row('#' + tr.attr("id")).remove().draw();

      /* trigger submit form to add or update line */
      Plugin.prototype._submitEvtFct = function ( target) {
      $("body").on("submit", "form." + target.options.formClassName, function(e) {
      $.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, $(this).serialize() + "&command=saveData&lineID=" + ($(this).closest("tr").length > 0 ? $(this).closest("tr").attr("id").split("_")[1] : 0))
      .done(function( datas ) {
      data = datas.data[0];
      var _tr = $("tr#" + data.lineID);
      if (_tr.length > 0) {
      target.dataTableAuto.row($("tr#" + data.lineID).index()).data(data).draw();
      /* Autorize the click for display one more time the update form */
      $("tr#" + data.lineID + " td.pausedClick").addClass("clickable").removeClass("pausedClick");
      else {
      target.dataTableAuto.row.add( data ).node().id = data.lineID;
      if(typeof datas['eval']!='undefined')eval(datas['eval']);

      Plugin.prototype.DWARN = function () {
      this.DEBUG && console.warn( arguments );

      $.fn[ PLUGIN_NS ] = function( methodOrOptions ) {
      if (!$(this).length) {
      return $(this);
      var instance = $(this).data(PLUGIN_NS);

      if ( instance
      && methodOrOptions.indexOf('_') != 0
      && instance[ methodOrOptions ]
      && typeof( instance[ methodOrOptions ] ) == 'function' ) {

      return instance[ methodOrOptions ](this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );

      } else if ( typeof methodOrOptions === 'object' || ! methodOrOptions ) {

      return this.each(function() {
      instance = new Plugin( $(this), methodOrOptions );
      $(this).data( PLUGIN_NS, instance );

      // CASE: method called before init
      } else if ( !instance ) {
      $.error( 'Plugin must be initialised before using method: ' + methodOrOptions );

      // CASE: invalid method
      } else if ( methodOrOptions.indexOf('_') == 0 ) {
      $.error( 'Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' is private!' );
      } else {
      $.error( 'Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' does not exist.' );


      The HTML code can be:

          <table id="table_categorie">
      <th id="col_categorieCode" class="clickable" data-maxlength="10">Code</th>
      <th id="col_categorieLib" class="clickable" data-maxlength="100">libellé</th>
      <th id="col_actions"></th>

      I call my plugin by the line:

      var tableCategorie = $("table#table_categorie").dataTableAuto({titreFormNew: "New category"});

      And the JSON will return this data, for example:

      "data": [

      "control": "",
      "lineID": "categorie_1",
      "categorieClientCode": "123",
      "categorieClientLib": "categorie 1",
      "codeCompta": "",
      "actions": "<button class="btSupp" data-message="Are you sure to delete this categorie ?"></button>"
      "control": "",
      "lineID": "categorie_2",
      "categorieClientCode": "124",
      "categorieClientLib": "categorie 2",
      "codeCompta": "",
      "actions": "<button class="btSupp" data-toggle="tootltip" data-placement="top" data-message="Are you sure to delete this categorie ?"></button>"

      And when I delete a line, it return after delete the line in the database:

      {"success":"true","msg":"the line was deleted"}

      share|improve this question


      I have no problem, but I would like some advice:

      I've read some help to do some jQuery plugin, and I just did my first one. This plugin helps to generate dynamic datatable:

      • Autofill the table with some JSON data using the plugin datatable

      • Create a form to add new lines

      • Create some trigger click on the line => display a form to modify

      • Create a trigger for sending form => add or modify a line

      All works fine! But because of my first jQuery plugin, I would like some advice to optimize it, and make it as clean as possible. Is there a better way to do it?

      Here is my plugin:

      (function($) {
      var PLUGIN_NS = 'dataTableAuto';

      var Plugin = function ( target, options ) {
      this.$T = $(target);
      this._init( target, options );
      return this;

      /** #### OPTIONS #### */
      this.options= $.extend(
      true, {
      DEBUG: false

      /* Init */
      Plugin.prototype._init = function ( target, options ) {
      this.field = $(target).attr("id").split("_")[1];

      /* some default values are generated with the table id, but can be changed if needed */
      defaultAutoOptions = {
      tableName: "table_" + this.field,
      formClassName: "form_" + this.field,
      jsonFile: "/json/json_" + this.field + ".json",
      submitEvtFct: this._submitEvtFct,
      clickEvtFct: this._clickEvtFct,
      dispFormAjax: false, /* click on the line will change it by a form or make any ajax call to get form if needed */
      formAdd: true, /* add some lines allowed */
      titreFormNew: ""
      this.options = $.extend(defaultAutoOptions, Plugin.defaults, options);
      if (this.options.formAdd && $("#formNew_" + this.field).length == 0)
      this.dataTableAuto = this._dataTableAuto(target);

      return this;

      /* Default val */
      Plugin.defaults = {
      events: function(_, callback){ callback() }

      /* Auto create the form to add some lines */
      Plugin.prototype._createFormAdd = function ( target ) {
      var _form = "<form id='formNew_" + this.field + "' class='" + this.options.formClassName + " preventDblClick' method='post'>";
      _form += "<h2>" + this.options.titreFormNew + "</h2>";
      $(" > thead > tr th", $(this.$T)).each(function(index) {
      var attr = $(this).attr("id");
      if (typeof attr !== typeof undefined && attr !== false && attr != "col_actions")
      _form += "<label>" + $(this).html() + "<br /><input type='text' name='" + attr.split("_")[1] + "' maxlength='" + $(this).data("maxlength") + "' /></label>";
      _form += "<input type='submit' value='Enregistrer' />";
      _form += "</form>";

      /* Init the datatable */
      Plugin.prototype._dataTableAuto = function ( target, options ) {
      var _this = this;
      var infosTable = this._getInfosColumn(target);
      return tableDT = $(this.$T).DataTable({
      "ajax": {
      'type': 'GET',
      'url': this.options.jsonFile,
      'data': function ( d ) {
      destroy: true,
      info: false,
      rowId: "lineID",
      'columnDefs': infosTable.listColumnDef,
      "columns": infosTable.listColumn,
      'paging' : false,
      "searching": false,
      "initComplete": function( settings, json ) {
      if (typeof json['eval']!='undefined'){
      createdRow: function( row, data, dataIndex ) {
      _this._setClickableRow(target, row);

      /* get column data used for datatable */
      Plugin.prototype._getInfosColumn = function ( target) {
      listColumn = ;
      listColumnDef = ;
      attr = $(" > thead > tr th:first-child", $(target[0])).attr("id");
      if (typeof attr === typeof undefined || attr === false) {
      listColumn.push({ "data": "control" });
      listColumnDef.push({ className: 'control', targets: 0 });
      $(" > thead > tr th", $(target[0])).each(function(index) {
      if ($(this).attr("id") != undefined) {
      listColumnDef.push({ responsivePriority: $(this).attr("id") == "col_buttons" ? 1 : index, targets: index});
      if ($(this).hasClass("isDate"))
      { "data": $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1],
      render: function ( data, type, row ) {
      return (data.split("-").length == 3 ? moment(data).format("DD/MM/YYYY") : data);
      listColumn.push({ "data": $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1] })
      return {listColumnDef: listColumnDef, listColumn: listColumn};

      /* On which row add a trigger onclick */
      Plugin.prototype._setClickableRow = function (target, row) {
      $(" > thead > tr th", $(target[0])).each(function(index) {
      if ($(this).hasClass("clickable")) {
      $("td:eq(" + index + ")", row).addClass('clickable');
      if ($(this).attr("id") != undefined)
      $("td:eq(" + index + ")", row).addClass($(this).attr("id").split("_")[1]);

      /* trigger onclick */
      Plugin.prototype._clickEvtFct = function ( target, options) {
      $(target.$T).on("click", "tr td.clickable, .btDelete", function() {
      /* Click on a cell => aff a form to modify */
      if ($(this).hasClass("clickable")) {
      var theRowObject = target.dataTableAuto.row($(this).closest('tr'));
      /* Get the form with ajax request */
      if (target.options.dispFormAjax) {
      $.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, {
      command: "modLigne",
      lineID: lineID
      .done(function( data ) {
      data = data.data[0];
      /* Not update again the line if the form is displayed */
      $("tr#" + data.lineID + " td.clickable").addClass("pausedClick").removeClass("clickable");
      /* auto create the form */
      else {
      temp = theRowObject.data();
      var affForm = true;
      var tr = $(this).closest("tr");
      var lineID = tr.attr("id").split("_")[1];
      $.each(temp, function(item, value) {
      var maxLength = $(" > thead > tr th#col_" + item, $(target.$T)).data("maxlength");
      if (item != "lineID" && item != "control")
      if (item == "actions")
      temp[item] = "<button form='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "'>OK</button>";
      else if (affForm) {
      temp[item] = "<form name='formMod' id='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "' class='form_" + target.field + "'><input type='text' name='" + item + "' value='" + value + "' maxlength='" + maxLength + "' /></form>";
      affForm = false;
      temp[item] = "<input type='text' name='" + item + "' value='" + value + "' form='mod" + target.field + "_" + lineID + "' maxlength='" + maxLength + "' />";
      $("td.clickable", tr).addClass("pausedClick").removeClass("clickable");
      /* bouton to delete the line */
      else if ($(this).hasClass("btDelete")) {
      var goAction = true;
      var tr = $(this).closest("tr");
      var lineID = tr.attr("id").split("_")[1];
      if(typeof $(this).data("message")!='undefined' && !confirm($(this).data("message")))
      return false;
      $.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, {command: 'suppLine', lineID: lineID})
      .done(function( datas ) {
      /* Actions to do when succeed */
      if (datas.success)
      target.dataTableAuto.row('#' + tr.attr("id")).remove().draw();

      /* trigger submit form to add or update line */
      Plugin.prototype._submitEvtFct = function ( target) {
      $("body").on("submit", "form." + target.options.formClassName, function(e) {
      $.getJSON( target.options.jsonFile, $(this).serialize() + "&command=saveData&lineID=" + ($(this).closest("tr").length > 0 ? $(this).closest("tr").attr("id").split("_")[1] : 0))
      .done(function( datas ) {
      data = datas.data[0];
      var _tr = $("tr#" + data.lineID);
      if (_tr.length > 0) {
      target.dataTableAuto.row($("tr#" + data.lineID).index()).data(data).draw();
      /* Autorize the click for display one more time the update form */
      $("tr#" + data.lineID + " td.pausedClick").addClass("clickable").removeClass("pausedClick");
      else {
      target.dataTableAuto.row.add( data ).node().id = data.lineID;
      if(typeof datas['eval']!='undefined')eval(datas['eval']);

      Plugin.prototype.DWARN = function () {
      this.DEBUG && console.warn( arguments );

      $.fn[ PLUGIN_NS ] = function( methodOrOptions ) {
      if (!$(this).length) {
      return $(this);
      var instance = $(this).data(PLUGIN_NS);

      if ( instance
      && methodOrOptions.indexOf('_') != 0
      && instance[ methodOrOptions ]
      && typeof( instance[ methodOrOptions ] ) == 'function' ) {

      return instance[ methodOrOptions ](this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );

      } else if ( typeof methodOrOptions === 'object' || ! methodOrOptions ) {

      return this.each(function() {
      instance = new Plugin( $(this), methodOrOptions );
      $(this).data( PLUGIN_NS, instance );

      // CASE: method called before init
      } else if ( !instance ) {
      $.error( 'Plugin must be initialised before using method: ' + methodOrOptions );

      // CASE: invalid method
      } else if ( methodOrOptions.indexOf('_') == 0 ) {
      $.error( 'Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' is private!' );
      } else {
      $.error( 'Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' does not exist.' );


      The HTML code can be:

          <table id="table_categorie">
      <th id="col_categorieCode" class="clickable" data-maxlength="10">Code</th>
      <th id="col_categorieLib" class="clickable" data-maxlength="100">libellé</th>
      <th id="col_actions"></th>

      I call my plugin by the line:

      var tableCategorie = $("table#table_categorie").dataTableAuto({titreFormNew: "New category"});

      And the JSON will return this data, for example:

      "data": [

      "control": "",
      "lineID": "categorie_1",
      "categorieClientCode": "123",
      "categorieClientLib": "categorie 1",
      "codeCompta": "",
      "actions": "<button class="btSupp" data-message="Are you sure to delete this categorie ?"></button>"
      "control": "",
      "lineID": "categorie_2",
      "categorieClientCode": "124",
      "categorieClientLib": "categorie 2",
      "codeCompta": "",
      "actions": "<button class="btSupp" data-toggle="tootltip" data-placement="top" data-message="Are you sure to delete this categorie ?"></button>"

      And when I delete a line, it return after delete the line in the database:

      {"success":"true","msg":"the line was deleted"}

      javascript jquery

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 56 mins ago




      asked Mar 20 at 9:10








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